Sunday, August 31, 2008

I'M SO SPOILED By Morgan Mandel

I'm so spoiled. I can type my manuscripts on a computer. If I make mistakes I can fix them. If I want to move sentences, paragraphs or pages, I can do that. If I want to print, I just connect a USB cord to a printer, press a button and get as many copies as I want.

Whatever did authors do before? Good grief, they had to write with pen or pencil on paper. Or type on a typewriter that didn't have the auto correct when spaced backwards. Then, if it was before the copy machines, they had to use carbons to make copies, or worse yet, type extra ones and hope they didn't make mistakes.

I've been complaining because lately on vacation I've had a hard time connecting with my network card to the Internet. Thank goodness, I finally got mine working right today. But whatever did authors do before the Internet? How did they ever get their names out there?

I'm so spoiled.

Morgan Mandel

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