Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Onward March!

I had a lot of fun with the recent Her Handyman promotion. Since this book has already been featured in free book promos four times, I decided that today will be the last day for it participate in the KDP Select program. I may reinstate it in the program at a later date for new readers to enjoy.

In the meantime, it's onward march, getting my taxes done. After that, it's working on Blessing or Curse, my anthology about what happens to five people who take the Forever Young pill.

Promoting takes up a lot of time, and is necessary. Still, I do need to get back to writing!

If you missed out on the freebie, today only, if you're a Prime member, you can still get Her Handyman for free. Everyone else needs to cough up 99 cents! http://amzn.com/B0097EVXBK

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