Sunday, June 30, 2013

Blessing or Curse Almost Ready for Release

Just to let you know, Blessing or Curse is almost ready for release. I'm working on some final edits, and hope to have everything ready by the middle of the month, after all the 4th of July festivities are over, and people are back in the mood for reading.

This second book in the Always Young Trilogy differs from the thriller, Forever Young: Blessing or Curse, in that this one concentrates on the test subjects' loves and relationships. The last book, a thriller called Always Young, will answer all questions about the original characters and villains.

What Blessing or Curse Is About -
Five Separate People with Five Separate Stories,
Yet One Thing in Common:
They All Take a Pill to Turn Back The Clock.

Who'll Mend This Broken Man - Diego's frantic wife, Consuela, hopes to restore her Parkinson-crippled husband to his former self.

Too Much of a Good Thing - Ezekial, suffering from E.D., wants desperately to live up to the African-American male image.

What I Did For Love - Has-been model, Sherri, will resort to anything to get back into the game.

Suspicion - Doormat Dee Dee turns over a new leaf when she suspects her husband of cheating.

For the Love of Dog - Chicago cop, Mike, fears for the loss of job and dog if he fails a physical.

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