Showing posts with label Ahhh moments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ahhh moments. Show all posts

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ahhh or Feel Good Moments

I was happy tagged last week by Debra St. John at Acme Authors Link. Since I've already done a happy blog and tagged off, today will be a variation, with no tags involved.

Today is about my feel good moments, which I call Ahhh moments. They're kind of like happy, but not as deep. Here are they are:

1. Seeing a cute baby or puppy.

2. Having a teller or supermarket register open up after I've been waiting in a long line.

3. Sitting down after standing for a while.

4. Stepping into where it's warm after being out in the cold, or vice versa, stepping into a cool place after being out in the heat.

5. Feeling the shower water on my back.

6. Getting out early from work on a day before a holiday.

7. Thinking up a fun topic for my blog.

8. Landing a book signing at a store. Hand in hand with that is selling one of my books.

9. Taking off my boots or shoes and putting on my slippers at home.

10.Having a cool drink when I'm thirsty.

Now it's your turn. What are your Ahhh moments? Do you share some of mine? Remember, they don't have to be deep, just feel good moments. Please share.