Sunday, February 22, 2009

Blog Tip of the Day - Don't Hide

When you leave a comment here or on any post, after you type your name, please leave the blogspot address where you'd like to be visited. Often, after receiving a comment on my blog, I like to return the favor, sometimes on the same day, or whenever I get a chance. Also, others commenting here may like your comment and want to visit you.

If there's no blog address, it takes a bit longer to click on your name link or profile photo link to learn where to find you. Then, if you have more than one blogspot listed, it gets confusing. It would be a shame if you just posted a great blog on one of the spots, but it was maybe the third one listed, so it didn't get attention.

So, please don't hide, unless you're not receiving visitors.

Okay, gang, let's see who's paid attention. Please leave a comment here and put your blogpost address underneath it. Many happy returns.


  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Ahem - allow me to be the first it seems (smile). Well we already follow each other's primary blogs but I DO have another blog that is a lot different subject matter than Free Spirit. You're always welcome to check it out as well.

    And anybody else too - it my Old Hippie Blog, everything from boomer generation humor to social and political rants.

    Marvin D Wilson

  2. Like Marvin, you and I already follow each other. And, you'll find your blog scrolling right now on the side of mine.

    It's a perfect day for this blog tip, though. I just reviewed Jeff Jarvis' What Would Google Do?, which is all about building networks. And, you can't build a network of interested readers if you don't leave an address where you can be reached.

    Great tip of the day!

    Lesa Holstine

  3. Glad I found your blog. I'm always amazed at what people find to write about. I'm also amazed at the gadgets available now. I'm STILL learning. All I know how to do on my phone is call and answer. But I'm working on it. Gotta love teenagers.

  4. Very interesting blog :D I've stopped in a few times prior to this (usually I've seen one of your announcements). My blogs are pretty mundane. I have two of them.

    One at

    where I talk about anything that strikes my fancy

    and a shared blog at

    where the focus is on SF/F/P romance books, either ours or those by select authors.

    Have a great day!

  5. Ugh- you are so right. This is something I forget to do on a regular basis. Sigh.

    But I hate when people leave two, three or four, I only have time for one.

    So, I'll post my Sunday blog address-which will lead you to my daily if you're interested.

    Thanks Morgan!

  6. Morgan,
    I paid attention. Also, as I read down on your blog about self publishing. There are all kinds of really good uses for it that don't fall into the "becoming a best selling author" category.

    My wife's mother died within the last two years. She had a lot of good recipes. That caused us to begin to collect the family recipes with the thought of putting them in a self-published book to be given as a Christmas present to family members.

    Local histories, family histories, lab manuals for specialized courses, and even your own fiction books you want to share with just the family--all those things lend themselves to self-publishing too.

    Joe Barone

    (See, I paid attention!)

  7. Hello!!!! Im over here!I read your stuff! LOL
    And, I always try to leave the link behind, unless I forget. But then again, I don't often blog about anything exciting, so who wants to read about all the dead bodies buried in my back yard.

  8. Morgan and all, I don't leave another link to my blog when I comment because my name already has the link. I have gone to many blogs after reading a comment and then clicking on the commentor's name. Sometimes I will then leave a comment there and follow another link in that list of comments. I can get lost pretty easily that way. :-) But it is fun and I have connected to a lot of new friends that way.

  9. I'm happy to leave a blog address although I'm involved in so many blogs that it's hard to choose. My new Myterious People blog is the most interesting because I host writers from around the world and they leave great advice for fledgling writers.

    Tomorrow award-winning Scottish crime novelist Paul Johnston will be on board. Paul lives in Greece.


  10. I have learned to always leave a signature!

    L. Diane Wolfe

  11. I usually forget to leave a link, but my name has a link.

    I do have several blogs, but I copy and paste - so all the blogs are the same. (Except maybe for MySpace, which is a different kind of blog)I only use one in signatures etc anyway.

    I'll have a go at adding a signature.


    Cat Connor

  12. You know I am always lurking (mwahahaha)even if i'm not commenting, but here I am waving my hands about now demanding attention

  13. Stomp, stomp, I hate following directions. LOL!


  14. I'm trying to learn to leave links (even tho my name should also link to my website and my blog and possibly a limo service that will drive you to my house), but I often forget. That's when my publisher, Karen Syed (, spanks me.

    I'm a petulant child, but I can be taught - eventually.

    Gayle Carline (aka GeeCarl)

    Is that enough, or do you want my horse's blog address, too?

  15. Your quiet correct it's something I always forget, yet even more now I am on my virtual book tour week I need people to actually visit and read the blogs, even follow would be nice *grin*. Si this time I will not forget...

    Storyheart (Barry Eva)

    Don’t Forget…. Spread the word…. You can follow my tour on my blog at

  16. You know, I never really thought about that. I always just figured that by clicking on my name link, that is all that would be needed. I do have 3 blogs total, but only actively post on 1, so that makes total sense to post my blog addy after commenting! Thanks for that reminder/thought!

  17. Hello Morgan. You're so right. Sometimes I leave mine. More often I don't. I shall try to do better.


  18. Good advice, as usual. And now after reading your comments, I want to stop by a lot of other blogs!

    Jane Kennedy Sutton

  19. I never thought of that. I just think they'll click on my name but then I have so many blogs, so I'll do it right now!

    Dorothy Thompson

  20. I try to do this whenever I reply across the net, but sometimes I just plain forget. Bad, I know! Especially if you want to build a lasting online relationship with others. How will they ever find you if you don't leave your breadcrumb trail.

    Jenny Bean
    The Inner Bean
    The Brown Paper Bag Oracle

  21. Morgan,

    Just a reminder that different blog platforms work differently. The name link on Blogger goes to the profile page, which means that to comment on your blog, I must have a Blogger blog. I don't like Blogger and maintain a blog here only to be able to comment on other blogs. Once in a while, I post an update of posts on my "real" blog.

    I need to remember to add the URL to my real blog when I comment on Blogger blogs.

    However, the name link in WordPress blogs goes directly to the URL that the commenter enters, so adding the URL again is redundant. In fact, I edit comments and delete those added links because they're spammy on a WordPress blog where the commenter has already left their URL.

    Of course, this makes commenting more complicated—wouldn't it be nice if all blogs were like WordPress? :-)

  22. Thanks for the reminder, Morgan.
    I never leave links under my name because since they don't go live, I assume people don't bother to copy and paste. But you never know!


  23. Anonymous9:59 AM

    OK---I won't hide---LOL!!! Come visit me anytime, Morgan! Door's always open!

  24. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Thanks for the advice! I do have a blog and I am happy to share the address.


  25. Anonymous1:44 PM

    blogs, .coms, so many ways to connect. I have too many blogs but only one really active one (unless we forget to pay the bill then nothing is active except me trying to dig up pennies). I prefer wordpress because it does have a space for links.

    I just started my new website and domain at but my eclectic blog is

  26. That's a fabulous tip!

    Yvonne Walus

  27. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Hello!!! is one of the most excellent resourceful websites of its kind. I take advantage of reading it every day. All the best.


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