Thursday, April 09, 2009

Carry Out or Go Out?

The DH and I prefer carryouts for dinner. We rarely go out to eat. We call, place our order, pick it up and dig in. Carryouts are so much easier than getting ourselves all fixed up, driving to a restaurant, waiting to get seated, waiting for the food, waiting for the check, and figuring out how much to tip.

We do have certain friends that we do like to go out to eat with, but not that often.

What about you? Do you prefer carryouts or going out to dinner?


  1. Both!

    Carryout is good when we're tired and just want to chill at home. But sometimes we just want to get out of the house. A restaurant guarantees there will be no mess to clean up after dinner. And going out guarantees a good dinner conversation, because if we get take out, it's always consumed in front of the TV!

    L. Diane Wolfe

  2. Another thing with this economy: no tipping, so saving money there. I like carrying out most times and go home and have dinner, maybe watch a DVD. Cheaper, plus no need to dress up, etc..
    But if going out to see a film, then eat before hand somewhere.
    It just depends. Lately, we've been making most dinners at home to save money.
    Pamela K. Kinney

  3. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Me & the DW like the occasional sit down experience at a nice restaurant. We enjoy being waited on and not having to do the dishes. But carry out has its place too.

  4. These days, if we eat out, it is always carry out. With the kids, it is soooo much easier than trying to contain them quietly in a restaurant. I do love to go out once in a while, but that is about once a month, when I get together for my "mommy's day out", lol!

  5. I like to do both - but if it's been a long busy day, I'd prefer eating take out in front of the TV.

    Jane Kennedy Sutton

  6. I like to eat out- a reason to get out of the house! A big plus- no dishes!

    Happy Easter!

  7. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Usually it's eat out here, on the rare occasions that we can. Otherwise it's find what's in the kitchen. The other half works nights at a restaurant and only has sunday night and all day monday off.

  8. Grace4:32 PM

    It depends; sometimes we prefer carry outs if we don't wanna bother with dressing up, but we do go out to eat a meal on our birthdays and anniversaries. Take outs and dining-outs have their place.

  9. Carry Out, mostly. If DH says Coopers Hawk, then it's eat out. But carry out, I come home, eat, and relax. Somehow I have leftovers for the next day.

  10. I like both, but lately, hubby seems to prefer carryout and delivery.


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