Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Show us your Signature

My e-mail signature looks too bulky, so I'm changing it. I'll include my website, daily blogspot, publisher url and a very brief snippet from my review from The Midwest Book Review. Should I include more, such as where to order Killer Career, or is that overkill? What do you do?

To help me and others decide, please comment by posting your signature.



  1. Mary Cunningham (my e-mails show links)too much??
    Discover the Magic in Cynthia's Attic


    "Ghost Light"



    WOOF: Women Only Over Fifty

    Follow me on Facebook

    Follow me on Twitter


  2. I only put my website, my blog and the stiletto gang's blog in my signature line. On DorothyL they don't let you have more than three.


  3. I change my siggy line depending on what I'm doing. Right now, I have a contest, so I'm promoing that:

    Anna Kathryn Lanier
    3rd Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Event
    October 1-31~Multiple Prizes to Win
    FMI Contest page www.aklanier.com

    When I'm not doing this, I have my website, maybe my blog, and "Where Tumbleweeds Hang Their Hats."

    I have put my bookcover in the past, but not recently. I think if you have too much, people don't read it all and it's a waste. Something short and sweet, eye-catching is best. I try to keep it to 4 lines or less.

  4. I try to keep it fairly simple:
    Book info

    I figure if people want more info, you've given them a way to get more.

    Alan Orloff
    DIAMONDS FOR THE DEAD, Midnight Ink, April 2010

  5. I've seen many people chastised on loops for having too much information in their signature line. 3-5 lines is considered acceptable, but three is preferable. It's called e-etiquette. I'm annoyed when the signature line is consistently longer than the posts made by the author. So...when I realized I needed to shorten my info, I developed a TAG line for myself and list only the two most important websites where ALL my information is displayed.
    My signature reads:
    Spice Up Your Life With Ginger

    Of course last year, I had to add in that I was a 2009 EPPIE nomine, but my four lines are considerably shorter than a few people I know who try to list everything they've ever written and provide a teaser too. *smile* If I'm interested in knowing a person's life story, I'll look at their website. I'm glad you asked the question because I'm annoyed by signature lines that take up more than half the page. *lol* Can you tell?

  6. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I stick with four lines. My description of me (there's a word for it), website, blog, and twitter. If they want to know more, it's all on one of those three.

    The words I live by

  7. Ginger,
    I like your tag line a lot. Something else for me to consider, but I don't know what mine would be and that would mean not including something else, like the review snippet. Such a decision.


  8. My signature always leads with my next personal appearance - I want them to know I'm busy. Then there are 3 places to find me on line.

    MEET me Oct 23 at Borders on the Boulevard at the Capital Center - 931A Capital Centre Blvd. Largo, MD - 6pm

    Web http://www.ascamacho.com
    Twitter http://twitter.com/ascamacho
    Blog http://ascamacho.blogspot.com

  9. If I'm commenting on a blog, I leave just a link to my blog:
    Straight From Hel

    If I'm sending an email, I usually leave three links after my name:

    Occasionally, I'll include a fourth link to my website page on my latest book:
    TechCareers: Automotive Technicians

    Morgan, I've noticed that your email sig seems to get jumbled up, plus it's three different colors and different font sizes - at least that's the way it shows up on my screen.

    Straight From Hel

  10. Mine also changes depending on the circumstances. Usually it's my name, blog and web site.

  11. From what I have learned on marketing sites, less is best for most social sites, blog comments, and personal e-mail. For those I have a sig line that has a quote from Cicero about books and a link to my Web site, where people can find my blog, etc.

    For editing I have a sig line:

    Maryann Miller
    Freelance Editor
    (link to my Web site editing services page)

    For my day job:

    Maryann Miller
    Managing Editor
    (link to winnsboroToday.com)

    And for places where I want to promote my books I have a sig line that includes brief info about two of my latest books, a link to my Web site and a link to my blog.

  12. Oh, no, more good ideas to consider. There are too many!
    I like the idea of including my twitter address. Also, I like what Austin does about including the next personal appearance.

    Helen, that's good to know about my sig being so confusing with the different colors and fonts. Good thing I'm changing it.

  13. Keep it short! 3-5 lines is about right. A couple of my sig lines...

    http://www.brennalyons.com http://www.myspace.com/brennalyons
    Fairy Dreams is the best bar none fantasy romance that I have ever read! The action is non-stop; the deep abiding love so well portrayed that you feel as though you are experiencing it yourself. Regina for Coffee Time Romance


    http://www.brennalyons.com http://www.myspace.com/brennalyons
    "I found the world Ms. Lyons created to be realistic. Both main characters had humanistic characteristics but also the genetic makeup of their Xxanian ancestors as well. I blushed more than once, that’s for sure. CLOSE ENOUGH TO HUMAN was an exceptional read." Reviewed by Natasha Smith for Romance Junkies 4.5 Ribbons


    http://www.brennalyons.com http://www.myspace.com/brennalyons
    "One of the most deviant erotic minds in the publishing world...not
    for the weak." Rachelle for Fallen Angels Reviews of Brenna Lyons
    FAIRY DREAMS -Available for sale now at Mundania Press, LLC.

    NOTE that this last one prompted a request for me to change tag lines on one writing list. Why? You've got me. There's nothing offensive in it, but there's no accounting for how some people will take a simple quote.

  14. I've always heard 4-5 sentences MAX!

    So mine is:

    L. Diane Wolfe "Spunk On A Stick"
    Professional Speaker & Author

  15. I'll tell you what I like to see in someone's sig line. The website link, blog link, twitter link. Whatever else they have is fine, but those three are wonderful as I like to check those things out. What I don't like is when someone leaves one or more out, especially if I have to hunt it down.

  16. Mine is definitely too long--I have multiples, and they're all too long.I like to start with the title of my laest release. I like this conversation--Makes me realize mistakes and I will correct them--Celia Yeary

    SHOWDOWN IN SOUTHFORK—eBook www.thewildrosepresss.com


    ALL MY HOPES AND DREAMS-a Texas Historical
    Available in eBook: The Wild Rose Press
    Available in print: The Wild Rose Press print-store, or

  17. I have two. One that I consider long (6 lines) and use in my "private" emails. The other is short (4 lines) and I use that when I post to Yahoo groups, etc.

    Marci Baun
    Wild Child Publishing -- http://www.wildchildpublishing.com/
    Freya's Bower -- http://www.freyasbower.com/

  18. Okay, I'll play:

    Peggy Blann Phifer
    Heat, Heart & Humor
    To See the Sun (from Sheaf House, Fall 2011)

  19. I try to keep my to 3 lines (in a full-width page):

    Beth Groundwater, http://bethgroundwater.com/
    A REAL BASKET CASE, 3/2007, Best First Novel Agatha Award nominee

  20. I Like Austin's ideas, but I also think keeping it simple and short is good,now I'm thinking about changing mine. Morgan you started something...
    Margot Justes

  21. I have several, and change them according to which book or service I'm advertising.

    Here's one.

    Manuscript assessments you can afford.

    Here's another.
    3rd Paperback in Your Hand contest. Entries open now!
    Now catering for longer entries, too.
    Details at http://www.affordablemanuscriptassessments.com

    Here's another; (IT HAS AN ACTIVE LINK IN EMAIL)

    (Giving our kids) A REASON TO WRITE.
    A handbook for parents and teachers.

    paperback and PDF

    As you can see, I favour short signatures that concentrate on a single service or book. I have one for my blog, one for the Jack Russell; Dog Detective series, one for the Pet Vet series and so on.
    I get the feeling most people don't read sigs at all, and definitely won't read a long one with multiple links.

    Sally O

  22. I think simplicity is better. All the links to my blog, Twitter, etc are on the Home page of my website. I'm not sure having all that in your signature makes people more likely to want to click through. This is all I do -- I change the last line depending on what I'm promoting or what's new.

    Pat Brown

    Memory of Darkness review: http://www.pabrown.ca/modreviews.htm

  23. Everything I've read regarding web 'etiquette' says 3 lines (or 4 if you count your name). I find the long, rambling signatures aggravating -- and if you post to loops and are on digest, you can wade through screens that are nothing more than sig lines.

    Mine is my name, my website, my blog, and one other page, which at the moment is my page at the Red Room site, because it attracts a different audience.

    I regard things like email as business letters, and if someone is interested in learning more about me, they've got my website and blog. Since I've got a number of publications out there, I see no reason to single one out when I can send someone to my website where they can see all of them.

  24. Morgan,

    My sig line is short and boring - my name, website, book titles.

    I have a friend who always includes a short excerpt from her latest book. She writes short snappy dialogue and snippets she picks always make me want to pick up the book and start reading. It works for her.


  25. Willie Holmes9:29 AM

    I've changed my signature three times. It's currently a quote from "Seinfeld" that's pretty racy.

  26. I do three lines (if the page is wide enough): name, description of link and URL for my web site (which has a link to my blog, which has a link to my Twitter account), the group blog where I post on Tuesdays and the web site of the writers group to which I belong.

    I'm trying to update my web site (difficult to do on dial-up so the blog and Twitter accounts are easier to get to.

    Marian Allen
    Mysteries, fantasies, comedies, recipes: http://MarianAllen.com
    Mysteries and food group blog: http://FatalFoodies.blogspot.com
    Southern Indiana Writers Group: http://southernindianawriters.com

  27. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I know mine is much too long, but I like it: it says it all!

    Rabbi Ilene Schneider, Ed.D.

    Chanukah Guilt, Swimming Kangaroo Books, 2007
    Nominated for Deadly Ink David Award for Best Mystery of 2007
    One of 2007's Top Ten Reads, www.myshelf.com
    Reviewers Choice Book, December, 2007, Reviewers Bookwatch, www.midwestbookreview.com

    Talk Dirty Yiddish: Beyond Drek, Adams Media, 2008
    "Such a breezy, engaging book, I should be so lucky to write." -- The Forward, February 20, 2009

  28. Hi Morgan,
    Short and sweet is the best I think.


    Margaret Tanner
    Historical Romance Author

    Every now and again I do change it.

  29. I wanted to be sure to include 'Vote for the Plan' (pen name Lillian Watts) at textnovel.com and also wanted to list my novels but it's not possible to do that without having a 'novel' at the end of my emails. Anyone got suggestions?

  30. Thanks for the question. Here's my current signature line.

    B. Lynn Goodwin
    Author of You Want Me to Do WHAT?
    Journaling for Caregivers


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