Monday, September 19, 2011

Tell Us How It Got There

On one of my many walks, I happened to notice a hole in the window of a new house that was for sale. I had a few ideas of how it could have gotten there, but I thought I'd ask you to tell me and everyone how you think a hole in a window could have happened.

Please give a short scenario of how the hole got there - a sentence or two, or if you wish, 1-2 paragraphs.
Later, I'll tell you my theories.

If you like romantic suspense,
Killer Career is 99 cents on
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Thriller - Forever Young-Blessing
or Curse - almost ready!

Mystery - Two Wrongs coming out
again soon!


  1. Oh dear, I'm rubbish at things like this! Um, okay... a bird who accidentally drank wine got disoriented, and crashed through? :)

  2. A writer, angry at a recent rejection of a manuscript, stared a hole through it.

  3. It is not an accidental hole. It is the newest in ventilation managaement.


    A stray bullet.


    A not so stray bullet.

  4. A laser beam from a low-flying UFO shot at it's own reflection.

  5. A kid with a BB gun tripped over his shoelaces and the gun fired. The small pellet zipped through the window and lodged in the back of the wooden teddy lamp. Maggie

  6. So far, the laser beam and the writer staring a hole are the most unique, but maybe we'll get more I hadn't even thought of.

    I'd thought of a bullet hole, a bird, or a kid with a rock.

    Morgan Mandel

  7. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I definitely say rock. You see, Rachel is seething with jealousy that her twin sister, Minnie, seems to get everything great in life--including a brand new home. So, she drives by late one night, and chucks a rock with all her might at the front window. Take that, Minnie.


  8. Hmmmm...I like everybody's comments so far. I'm going to go with faeries. When in doubt, blame faeries.

  9. Anonymous10:13 PM

    BB gun from neighbor kid is how our house got one. Then when my husband -- then boyfriend -- mowed my lawn and hit THEIR window he replaced theirs, but would not have had he known about ours.

  10. There was a very bright light in the sky. Thousands of people called the police wondering what it was. It was later determined to be a meteor entering the Earth's atmosphere and it burned up before hitting the ground. They were wrong, just a tiny smidge of it reached Earth and being very hot passed right through the glass leaving a tiny hole, a very smooth hole. There may also be some small burn damage inside the house. A check of the wood floor might be in order.

  11. A leprechaun, haven taken a wee dram of "the creature," fell asleep in a hole in a tree. He slept through the conversion of the tree to lumber and the conversion of lumber into a new house. The people who moved in could not find the magical being anywhere and his snoring drove them to put their new house on the market. When the leprechaun awoke to find himself inside an empty liquor cabinet, he left is such haste that he broke a hole in the window on his way out.

  12. Meteors and leprechauns - I must say I never thought of either of those!

    Morgan Mandel


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