Since I decided to go forward again with Forever Young, I've been creeping up with the page count. It's now up to 33,862, from 31,815 yesterday, making 2,047 up, but who's counting? (G)
At first I wasn't sure I could think of things to say. Once I got started, magic happened. The other night I'd just pulled the covers over me in bed when inspiration struck, gifting me with plot leads and twists. I was so excited, I jumped up, turned on the light. grabbed a pen and scrap of paper from my purse, and wrote down what had sprung into my mind before I could forget it all. (Good thing the DH was still downstairs, having fallen asleep on the easy chair, while watching TV, or that light turning on wouldn't have gone over too well.)
Today, I experienced something which hadn't happened in a while. I finally got into the flow. The words came out as fast as I could type them. They even made sense.
Right now, I'm tired from inhabiting my character's mind and body for a few hours. It's almost like physical labor.
Am I the only one who gets worn out from a good day of writing?
Morgan Mandel
Killer Career on Kindle for 99 cents
Showing posts with label Inspirational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspirational. Show all posts
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Welcome Louise Lewis - An Inspirational, Spiritual, Philosophical Author

Bio: Louise Lewis is the author of a new book, No Experts Needed: The Meaning Of Life According To You! She has two decades of experience in marketing and advertising, having held senior-level positions on the client, advertising agency, and ad sales sides of the business. Louise considers herself a self-growth junkie, continuing to seek light, love, and wisdom in her daily life. With an innate passion for spiritual growth, she has a strong desire to give back to the world. Along with the inspiration and direction received from Spirit, Louise continues to touch the lives of all she meets. She volunteers at Children’s Hospital of Orange County. Louise earned a bachelor’s degree in Communications at California State University in Fullerton. Born and raised in Louisiana, she resides in Southern California.
About the book: Losing a job always delivers a hard blow, but it was especially hard for forty-something author Louise Lewis, one of many victims of the technology industry's dotcom implosion. No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You! tells the story of how she pulled herself together and discovered a new life of meaning. Just minutes after being "set free", Lewis, a single woman with a mortgage to pay, sits in the San Jose, California, airport panicking over her future.
While toying with the option of giving into depression, she receives a powerful message from God that instantly releases the weight of her worries. "This is just a new chapter in your life. You hold the pen, I'll guide your hand, and together we'll write one hell of a chapter." Through Spirit's continued involvement, Lewis is inspired to ask normal, everyday people to answer Spirit's question: what is the meaning of life? No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You! weaves through a vast collection of spontaneous, thought-provoking answers and inspirational stories that demonstrate how the simple act of listening to Spirit can add meaning to every moment of your life.
Excerpt: I have always believed that everyone has a book in them. They merely have to take a look at their lives, past or present, to realize that life is indeed stranger than fiction. More likely than not, everyone’s lives would make for quite an entertaining story, to say the least.
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Now Here's What Louise Has to Say Today:
Things happen for a reason…
If you hang around my world for more than two minutes, you will hear me say, “There are no “accidents” in life. Things happen for a reason.”
I’ll ‘fess up…I know that some folks find my repetitive chants annoying. Of course to that I’d say: It’s no accident that I’m annoying you, and I’m doing it for a reason.
As trite as my belief may sound to some, I’ll go one Polly Anna step further and share with you the fact that I believe I can learn from the life events of others. So I listen and watch others very carefully.
In the past few weeks, three events happened in and around my life that have given me a wake up call. All events have to do with health issues. Since I turned a half-century a few months ago, the job of maintaining my health now blinks brighter than ever on my radar screen.
The first event happened this past December. Beverly -- a 50-year old friend of a friend --was found by her co-workers unconscious on the floor of her office. When Beverly woke up, she was in the hospital. Head shaved. And learned that she had already undergone brain surgery. Long story short, the fluid around her brain was not draining and the doctors had to go in and place two drainage shunts.
Weeks later, we – a roomful of other 50-year old gals -- lovingly drilled her about her ordeal. How? What? Why? What caused this? What could you have done to prevent this? Of course, we were really asking: What can I do to stop this from happening to me?
The second event happened earlier this week. It first started by watching Oprah’s confessional show. You may have heard that Oprah has owned up to why she fell off the (weight) wagon. The interview she gave explained the how/why/what about the life events that ultimately led to her regaining the extra weight. Her honesty was inspiring.
Then the next day’s show (beginning her “Best Life” series) had an appearance by Dr. Oz. During the show, he spoke directly to me: “Louise, now that you’re 50, you must get an EKG and a stress test and a colonoscopy!” I replied: “Okay. You have my attention. I’ll book all the appointments right now.”
Did I book the doctor appointments? Hardly. I did anything and everything else under the sun. Why was I avoiding making these calls?
The third event happened two days later…today to be exact.
I received a call from my friend Lindsey, a 53 year-old male. Lindsey began the call by dropping an unexpected bomb. He blurted out, “I had a heart attack the other day.”
My jaw stayed on the ground for a long time. You see, Lindsey has always eaten right. Always active with exercise. Did what you’re supposed to do. That’s what made his news even harder and scarier to comprehend.
As “they” say, things happen in 3s. For me, Beverly, Oprah and Lindsey have been my wake up call to motivate my fingers to grab the phone. As the procrastinator that I am, I needed to hear these stories in order to receive the V8 slap upside the head. I am placing the calls today.
Am I worried…scared…anxious over what all of these future test results may show? You bet. But for me, the fear of the unknown is like being afraid of the dark. It all goes away when I allow in the Light.
Here’s to a happier and healthier year!
“No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You!” – Louise Lewis
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