The name, Morgan, does not lend itself easily to nicknames. The only one that comes to mind is Morgie, which no one calls me. Sounds kind of like a dog's name. In fact, I called my old dog that, but that's a story for a later date.
Anyway, when circumstances lent me to starting up another blogspot featuring mysteries and mystery authors, the name, Make Mine Mystery, came to my mind for the blogspot.
I invited gun-ho, dedicated bloggers, who know the mystery genre and also the ins and outs of blogging. One of them, whom I'm happy to say accepted my invitation, was Marvin Wilson, a spiritualist author who happens to also write mysteries.
Marvin Wilson of the quick mind nicknamed the Make Mine Mystery blogspot Triple M.
Not only that, he called me Double M.
I like that nickname, so, this blogspot has a new title with my Double M nickname added, thanks to Marvin.
Do any of you have nicknames you like or dislike? Do you nickname things? Or maybe use code words? I invite you to share.