Showing posts with label Rascal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rascal. Show all posts

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Rascal Gets Blessed - 2008

Well, every year for obvious reasons we like to get Rascal blessed at the Blessing of the Animals in honor of St. Francis Day, either at Our Lady of the Wayside, our parish church, or at our vacation/adopted church, Holy Family, in Wisconsin, sometimes at both if we're lucky.

Rascal is a sweet dog, but let's face it, she's not perfect. After all, she does have a name to live up to and she does her best to do that, especially around me.

Presently I'm writing a children's book about Rascal to share her impact in our lives and lessons we've learned from her.

Anyway, we weren't the only ones who felt the need to have their animals blessed, judging from the assemblage of dogs, cats and owners yesterday at Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church.

Dean Pierce from St. James Church presided, since our parish priests and deacons were all spread thin. He did a marvelous job. None of the dogs seemed afraid of him, although some were not happy about getting a dose of water sprinkled on them.

Here's Dean Pierce with Rascal and my DH.

I did a long video of the Blessing, so I'm breaking it down. I'm posting the first part tonight, which shows the pets Gathering for the Blessing.

By the way, I'm not sure how well that blessing worked. At the moment, Rascal is staring at me. She's got that look that says she's bored and is wondering what devilment to get into...

Friday, October 03, 2008

Meme - Six Book Things About Myself

I missed the first round on the meme since I had my blog critique yesterday, but better late than never I guess.

Chris Verstraete from Candid Canine tagged me to say Six Book Things About Myself, so here goes:

1. I like to use photos to break up my blogs. Here's Rascal at the Blessing of the Animals two years ago. We were disappointed to learn that Holy Family Church wouldn't have the Blessing this year, but Fr. Hoffman promises to have it again next year.
Unfortunately, Rascal doesn't promise to behave in the meantime.

2. I don't stick to one genre when writing. My first book, Two Wrongs, is primarily a mystery, though it does contain a romance. My second book, Girl of My Dreams, is a romantic comedy, though it contains a sliver of mystery. Now I'm working on three books: one is a mystery, another is a romance, the other is a book about my dog, Rascal, based on actual experience.

3. I listen to other people's conversations when I'm walking to work in Downtown Chicago and try to remember what they say so I can include some version in my books. Often by the time I get somewhere to write it down it's lost, just like my dreams when I wake up after them.

4. I don't always know what I'm going to blog about, but figure it out by something that strikes me while I'm walking my dog.

5. I'm a slow writer. It takes me a long time to get the word count up. Part of my problem is I don't always have large blocks of time to write, so each time I have to go back into the story a bit to ground myself. Another reason is I like to edit, probably more than write. Once the words are down on the page, it's a lot easier to make everything better. The problem is getting the words down in the first place.

6. I created Book Place, a network for authors, readers, illustrators, reviewers, librarians, publishers, editors, and anyone else connected with books to market and share thoughts about their books and writing in general. So far, more than 1300 members are over there networking.

That's my six.

I tag these people to come up with 6 Book Things about themselves:

Helen Ginger - Straight From Hel
Dana Fredsti - Zhadi's Den
Vivian Zabel - Vivian's Site
Maryann Miller - It's Not All Gravy

Monday, September 15, 2008


Rascal's DoggySpace Profile Shot

I've got a sweet addiction, but it's not about sugar. It started innocently enough. I was over at Bentley's Corner Barkery with my husband and Rascal talking to Lisa, the co-owner, when she asked me if I'd joined DoggySpace. I'd heard of it, but had never signed up.

Saturday night, I had a few extra minutes after scooping water from the basement, so I put up a profile for Rascal, using a photo taken in the van on the last trip to Wisconsin. It was easy for Rascal to make friends. In 24 hours she already had 142.

Along with the profile shots, each member gets a journal spot, like a blog spot. Also, comment sections. They can give away virtual presents like frisbees or bones to each other.

I started reading some of the posts and they were fascinating. One was upsetting, about people who left dogs tied in their yards when they evacuated the hurricane area. Then there was a dog who suffered from separation anxiety and needed medication because the owner-husband had to go out-of-town for one day.

I'm finding it difficult to tear myself away. The dogs are so precious and the blogs so engrossing.

In a way I'm wasting time there, but not exactly. Most members of Doggyspace use the dog's point of view in their posts, as if the dogs were writing them. So, I'm getting great lessons in going deep into doggy point of view which will stand me in good stead as I continue on with my children's book about Rascal.

If you have a dog and would like to make virtual friends with Rascal, her profile page at Doggy Space is

Morgan Mandel

Monday, August 25, 2008


I intend to finish my book about Rascal, our Amstaff/Dalmatian mix who was born without hearing, but for now I'm sharing some of her fun moments.

Yesterday, my husband and I followed her to her favorite hangout, Bentley's Corner Bakery. Lately every time we walk her she turns and pulls in that direction. Co-owner, Giovanni, says Bentley's has many such loyal customers who do the same thing!

Here's the YouTube link to my video, which is one in a series about Rascal's visit to Bentley's Corner Barkery. Hope you enjoy it!

Morgan Mandel

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A LONG WALK by Morgan Mandel

Just went for a long walk with my husband and Rascal. It was a perfect summer night with a gentle breeze. Something to remember when the cold winds blow this winter.

Labor Day happens way too soon. I thought I'd have more time this summer to finish all sorts of things, mainly, the new book I started writing, the e-mails that need pruning, the reorganization of my work space.

I don't think those things will happen soon. But, little by little, yes. I'm encouraged by the steps I'm taking. I received great feedback from my critique at the Chicago-North RWA meeting and have a better idea of where my Mr. Fix-It story is headed.

On the homefront, we received a good quote from Yardworks, Etcetera, Inc, who will soon proceed with trimming the evergreens and clearing out the deadwood, including the Rose of Sharon which refused to bloom this year. It's a shame since I really loved those flowers. The DH has even begun cleaning out the garage, in increments, but at least it's a start.

Everything is falling into place, but not as fast as I'd hoped. That's okay. I'll enjoy the weather, the company of my husband and Rascal, and finish my book a step at a time. It might be a long walk, but I've gone on ones before with Two Wrongs and Girl of My Dreams, so I know I can do it.

Morgan Mandel