Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tornadoes and Dairy Queen

The weather service says we're in for some dicey weather here in Illinois, including a chance of a tornado. Tornadoes always reminds me of Dairy Queen.

Before you think I've flipped, I'll explain. Many years ago, when I was on vacation in Wisconsin with my good friends Jeanne and Debbie, we decided to go to Dairy Queen. While we were waiting in line, the sirens went off. In that area, sirens are not unusual since the fire department was and still is manned by volunteers.

So, we didn't think anything of it. We waited to get our ice cream and got into the car. After a few minutes we noticed the sky was this weird greenish black color, it was raining ferociously and the wind had turned gale force. That's when it hit us. The sirens were not about a fire, but about a tornado.

By the time we realized what was happening, pebbles and other debris had already started flying at the windows and sides of the car. We had to get to safety, so we headed to the Lakeland Motel, not far away.

As I rushed from the car to the motel, I locked the door with one hand and held onto my uneaten Dairy Queen sundae with the other. We made it inside and down the stairs to the basement, where we were reunited with our husbands who had gone fishing on the bridge next to the motel.

Everyone was surprised I'd managed to lock the door and carry my sundae without blemish through the storm and down the stairs. In case you're wondering, the tornado passed us without harm.

So now you know why tornadoes remind me of Dairy Queen.

Do you have any such adventure stories? Or, maybe you just like Dairy Queen. Please share.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dann and Raymond's Movie Club 2009

Dann and Raymond's Movie Club
promises another fun evening ahead this Thursday evening at the Arlington Hts Memorial Library and it's free!

Left to right in Photo: Raymond Benson, Dann Gire

Over 50 guests, including the DH and I enjoyed a fun and informative evening last month at the Dann and Raymond's Movie Club presentation about Sci-Fi, where we saw clips from such movies as The Man Who Fell to Earth, Star Wars, Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Alien.

Along with the clips, our talented hosts, Dann Gire, movie critic for the Daily Herald newspaper, and Raymond Benson, multi-published mystery/thriller author, quipped and threw in fascinating tidbits about the movies and their makers. I'd never guessed that hiding under the special effects of the Empire Strikes Back was the important theme of loyalty among friends, but Dann and Raymond knew.

This Thursday evening's fascinating topic will be Steven Spielberg and his films. If you're in the area, a free evening of entertainment awaits you starting at 7:30 pm at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library, 500 North Dunton, Arlington Heights, IL 60004.

For more info, call 847-392-0100 or go online at

Have you been to any other good presentations at libraries? Or, maybe you'd like to be a film critic and tell us about a movie you loved or hated. Please share.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Planting Flowers/Garden

We just got back from our first vacation last night, then rushed off to the DH's aunt's house for a Mother's Day celebration. I've got 25 more pages to go on my edits, plus some other decisions to make about Killer Career, which I hope to get out by September 1 if not sooner. Another vacation is scheduled at the end of May. Then we won't be going back to Wisconsin until around Labor Day.

Usually, we're gone to Wisconsin more during the summer, but this year we've got a long gap between the 2nd and 3rd vacations. That means, I might even be able to plant flowers and take care of them.

Still, since I'm a busy author, I won't be going overboard. I think geraniums are a good bet. I seem to remember they don't mind as much as other flowers if I neglect them and don't get around to watering them that much.

Any other suggestions of easy care flowers? What about you? Are you planting a garden? If so, what are you planting? Please share.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day - How Are You Celebrating/Honoring?

Today is a day to celebrate the mothers in our lives and cherish their memories. Usually on Mother's Day, the DH and I go to the cemeteries to visit our Mom's graves. Since we'll be on the road a good portion of the day on our way home from vacation, we'll do that next Sunday instead.

When we get home, we do have something to look forward to. That evening we'll be going to dinner at his godmother's house with many other family members on his side in attendance.

Since I've never had a child, except for Rascal, I won't be getting any Mother's Day gifts or special honors. What about you? How are you celebrating Mother's Day? Please share.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Book Signing Today/Saturday in Tomahawk, WI

Although vacation is winding down to a close (leaving Sunday for home), I have one more fun thing to do.

Today, which is Saturday, I'm doing a book signing at Cover to Cover, in Downtown Tomahawk, Wisconsin from 11am -1pm. Yesterday, I was interviewed by Mark Everett, the morning host of WJJQ FM, the local radio station. We talked about my books and the book signing at Cover to Cover.

After the interview, we stopped off at the book store, spoke to Dawn, the owner, and took a few photos, one with Dawn. Many times on the day of book signings it gets so crazy it's hard to get photos done. It's a cute store, as you'll see from the photos.

I also got word that on our next trip, on the Saturday after Memorial Day, I'll be able to do a book signing at a flea market sponsored by Arbor Vitae Fire Department in Arbor Vitae, Wisconsin. The great thing is I can get a spot in the Pavilion (won't need to bring my own tent) for only $15.00, so it's definitely worth that tiny investment. Also, it's a spot not hard for me to get to.

So, my vacations are turning into working vacations, but that's okay, because I'm having fun with this kind of work. What about you? Do you have any book signings or events lined up during your vacation?

Friday, May 08, 2009

Live & On Streaming Audio at WJJQ Today

I'm in Tomahawk, Wisconsin, at the WJJQ FM Radio Station this morning 92.5 on the dial in Wisconsin, also streaming live at from 9:35 to 10am.
The morning host, Mark Everett, is interviewing me about my books, Two Wrongs and Girl of My Dreams, and my upcoming book signing on Saturday at Cover to Cover in Tomahawk, Wisconsin from 11am to 1pm.
Hope you can hear some of it, and if you're in the area, pleaese stop by the book signing.

Morgan Mandel

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Inbox Answer, Radio Interview & Shopping

I'm embarassed to confess that the answer to my question yesterday about how many unanswered messages that were in my inbox is:

14,665 as of the time I wrote the blog. It's up to 14,704 now, because I went out with my friend to Bingo this afternoon, then worked on my manuscript tonight.

That's my business blog. I also have a personal blog which only has 3,119 messages unread.

Enough confessing. Someday maybe I'll get caught up, or maybe not.

Anyway, I won at Bingo, thank goodness. I did need the extra money, since I'd lost twice at the casino and have done a bit of shopping.

Friday, it's the radio station interview at from 9:35-10am streaming audio if you want to listen - Central Daylight Savings Time, since it's coming from the Tomahawk, Wisconsin radio station.

After that, my friend, Jeanne, and I must go back to Kohl's since we got free money from all our purchases there on Tuesday. $10 for every $50 spent. I ended up with a $40 coupon and she has one for $30, plus we have coupons for 15% off also. If you do the arithmetic, you can tell I spent pretty much at Kohl's, but I also got a lot that day. I couldn't pass up jeans marked down to $8, and tops at $7.99, plus some other clothes and costume jewelry at reasonable prices.

The good thing about it is, unlike at the casino, when you spend money, you always get something back for it. What about you? Do you like to shop on vacation? Or, are you like the DH who basically dislikes shopping and only goes when he absolutely has to? Please share.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Inbox - Brag or Confess

When I was checking my email the other day, one of my co-workers gasped at the amount of mail in my inbox.

I must confess it is astronomical. I belong to so many egroups and organizations, and also network with so many people in the writing business, I can't read all the messages I receive each day. What I usually do is delete junk mail first, then go to the quick messages, then save ones I have to think about or which will take longer to read. The problem is lots of times I never get to those messages I wanted to read. They just keep piling up. That's sad because I do remember a few years ago I was hung up and hunting down the 2 unread messages I couldn't find in my inbox and were probably junkmail placed in a spot I'd already bypassed.

I didn't mention that I also save lots of my mail after I've read it, instead of deleting it.

Can you guess how many unread messages I have in my inbox as of this moment? I'll leave the answer here tomorrow.

What about your inbox? Are you behind with reading your messages, or do you diligently keep up with them? Do you delete most of them after you've read them? Please brag or confess.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

You Are Here

I'm sure you've all seen maps with a dot or arrow or other marker and the words, "You Are Here." That's because it's important to know where you are. That pertains not only to everyday life, but also to the writing life.

If anyone read my Where Am I blog yesterday at
the answer is -
Heading North on Interstate 39/US51 near Wausau, Wisconsin, with a west view of Rib Mountain. The snow's still on it because the sun doesn't hit that side of the mountain.

When you write a novel, one important aspect to consider is setting. You need to ground the reader in where the story happens. It's not enough to mention where everything takes place. You need to go deeper, and include sights, smells, sounds and taste.

You can go for the obvious by mentioning famous landmarks, such as Rib Mountain, near Wausau, and/or you can describe other scenery, such as office buildings, lakes, or farm lands. Don't forget sun or rain. You'll find lots more sun in places like Arizona all year round, than in spots like Illinois. Ireland and England are more famous for rain.

Smells are also easy. No matter where you are, you'll smell something. Hospitals have that antiseptic odor, fresh air has its own clean smell, cars, buses and trucks let off exhaust fumes. Bakeries have an aroma to die for. You get the idea.

Some ways to describe sounds are songs of birds specific to the area, such as the cry of the loon in the North Woods of Wisconsin. Cardinals, robins, sparrows, you can find in a lot of places, but you may not hear their songs in certain parts of the U.S. unless it's Spring or Summer. Jets zooming across the sky are a daily occurrence in metropolitan areas, but not as much around farms. The sound of a helicopter almost always means trouble, since they tend to hover around news scenes. School bells, boat motors, and other specific sounds can identify where you are.

Taste is also a great way to describe where you are. Certain foods are more popular in certain countries, areas and/or populations. On Taylor Street in Chicago, known as Little Italy, you'll probably find more people eating spaghetti than corned beef. More examples are popcorn at movies and hot dogs at baseball games.

Can you name other ways to identify location? Have you included such tips in your own novels, or perhaps you've noticed a great example in someone else's book. Please share.

Monday, May 04, 2009

See the Where Am I Blog Today

The question asked at my blog today at is Where Am I?
See if you can figure out the location. Tomorrow I'll reveal the answer here, and also give you some hints on how to include setting in novels.

As usual, comments, here, there or both are appreciated.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Does Doggy or Kitty Come With?

Here's Rascal in the van on the way to our cottage in Wisconsin. We're lucky to have a vacation spot where we don't have to worry about bringing our dog along. She's too much a part of our lives for us to leave her behind in someone else's care.

What about you? When you go on vacation does your pet come with? Or, maybe sometimes you wish you could bring your dog or cat with, but it's impossible. What do you do?

Saturday, May 02, 2009

No Money Lost

No money lost yet at the casino. That's because I haven't gone there yet. (g) Too busy getting organized Friday and my friend, Jeanne, is volunteering at the animal wild life place today.

We spent a long time getting to the cottage - 7 1/2 hours. Once we arrived, we had all sorts of mundane things to take care of, like unpacking clothes, putting away supplies to use for the rest of the trips, turning on the hot water heater, the gas heater, all sorts of fun stuff.

Then we noticed the cable wasn't working, so I called and waited. We discovered it wasn't that they hadn't turned it on right, it was an area problem. That didn't stop Charter from calling with an automated message saying they would come the next day. Automation is not always a good thing.

Anyway, we have hot water, but have some sort of problem from when Culligan connected the tanks, so we're still getting the minerals, which turn it a slight brownish color. Hopefully, that will be attended to on Monday. In the meantime, we have bottled water for drinking and pop.

I didn't mention the piers aren't in yet. They're sitting in front of the cottage. This is Saturday and the guy was supposed to have put them in the water on Friday. Supposedly he'll arrive Sunday to do the job. That doesn't surprise us, since that sort of thing happens a lot around this neck of the woods.

The good news is I'm up to page 111 out of 300 pages in my edits for Killer Career. I hope to finish them in the next few days and concentrate on getting reviews, among other related matters with getting my romantic suspense published.

What about you? Do you go on vacation? If so, do you ever write while you're on vacation?

Friday, May 01, 2009

On the Road Again

On the Road Again - Willie Nelson is singing in my mind as we take to the highways and byways, making our way to the NorthWoods for the first time this year.

I'm anxious to visit my good friend, Jeanne, again, and also to feed my slot playing weakness at Lake of the Torches. Since we're both short of cash, this vacation we've pledged to only bring with a certain amount of money yet to be determined each trip and not bring our checkbooks and credit cards along. When the money's gone, we're gone.

One good thing - I cashed in my loose change jar at home and my jar at work and now have $187.00 and $64.00 respectively, to play with at the casino. I'll probably match that with fresh money for other trips, but not sure if I can afford more. Unless, that is, I win. (G)

What about you? Are you a gambler? Do you like to play slots? I love them. The DH hates them.
Please share.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Getting Ready for Vacation

Vacation is fun, but getting ready is not fun. It's so hard to decide what to bring with. I just know I'll forget something and wish I'd thought of bringing it along.

One year my husband forgot his travelers' checks, another year, one of his pairs of glasses.
I forgot the change purse once for the tollway. That was a while ago. Now we use one of those transponders,or whatever they call it, to sail through. I forgot jeans another year.

What about you? Do you hate packing,too? Have you ever forgotten to bring something with on vacation? Please share.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Come on Over

Hi Gang,
Another detour. I'm asking you to come on over to because today I'm hosting mystery writer, Chester D. Campbell's on his virtual book tour. He's got a fun post over there for you to read.

As always, comments here, there, or both are welcome. You may even win a prize over there.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Who Likes Chocolate?

I saw a flyer in the paper about the 10th Annual Long Grove Chocolate Fest taking place May 1-3. I'll be in Wisconsin then, feeding my other obsession, which is playing slots at Lake of the Torches Casino.

I'll be missing the Chocolate Fest, which is a shame since I do love chocolate. For a while I'd get headaches after eating it, but thank goodness that hasn't happened lately. I discovered some years ago I was hypoglycemic, which appeared to have happened because I'd gone on this great diet where I ate deserts but skimped on regular meals.

To recuperate, for an entire nine months I had to go without sugar, which turned out to be in many more forms than you'd ever guess. Gradually I was able to again indulge in sweets, but with caution. If I eat sugar in the morning, I'm usually tired the rest of the day. My body just can't handle sugar after fasting all night. For a while I missed my usual breakfast of chocolate long john and coffee with sugar, but I've adjusted well over the years.

The important thing is I can still eat chocolate and I love it.

What about you? Do you like chocolate?

Monday, April 27, 2009

Rascal Celebrates At Bentley's 1st Anniversary Party

Saturday the DH and I took Rascal to the 1st Anniversary Party at Rascal's favorite hangout, Bentley's Corner Barkery, where Lisa and Giovanni, the Owners, had special cake for dogs and also human cake at the back of the store.

It was a crazy day weatherwise, so we drove and parked a few blocks away to avoid getting caught in the intermittent downpours. Anyway, the party was well attended and probably would have been even more attended if the weather had been better. I took a video of the event, so you can see how the party went. Also, we got a call that Rascal won a raffle prize, so we came back on Sunday to claim Rascal's basket of goodies. That's on the movie also, but here's a pic to the left with Mia showing Rascal her basket.

Here's the Youtube Link:
Have you ever been to a dog party before? Do you go to stores that allow pets inside? Do you prefer going to family businesses rather than large company owned places? Please share.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Meet Sherrill Bodine, Contemporary Romance Author


NOW UP ON THE PLAYER IN THE LEFT COLUMN AND AT - Interview that was aired today.

Sherrill is the author of TALK OF THE TOWN
Available at
and Barnes&

Here's What It's About -


Darlings, what a to-do at the Daily Mail today! After fifteen years as Chicago's gossip guru, Rebecca Covington has been demoted from divulger of secrets for the city's elite to headlining recipes in the Home and Food section. Apparently, a touchy senator is threatening legal action for Rebecca's latest extramarital scoop. But Windy City rumor has it that new CEO and dreamy Pierce Brosnan look-alike David Sumner downgraded Rebecca in favor of fresher, younger blood on the social beat.

Industry insiders expect Rebecca to fight her denouement, and inquiring minds have already seen the feisty maven trading quips and searing glances wtih her arresting new boss. Rebecca swears she'll reclaim her shining star status, but can the dishy diva even cook? And how can she ignore David's arousing effect on her sensibilities?

Sherrill Bodine

We welcome comments here before or after the show.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Facebook's New Rules

Power to the People!

I just read in the Daily Herald that Facebook's new rules specify that users do own their own information when posting to Facebook.

Some months back a great storm brewed with Facebook's attempt to hold rights to certain personal content posted by members. Objections were overwhelming. I, among others, rushed over to our Facebook accounts and removed photos and articles we didn't wish to be claimed by Facebook.

Anyway, a vote was taken, the members spoke their minds, and we won!

Goes to show, if you don't like something, don't gripe where it doesn't count. Speak up to those that matter and you could make a difference.

What about you, do you use Facebook? Why? If you don't, why not? What do you think about the new rules and/or speaking up? Please share.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Are You Organized?

Every time I try to get organized, it seems I slip further back into chaos. Thursday night I thought I'd get my business accounts in order online, but my password wouldn't work. I had to get another one emailed to me. Then I decided to take money from my business acount and put it into my personal account to pay some writing bills I'd put on my Amazon Visa card. I use the Amazon card to rack up points at Amazon, of course. Soon I'll get a business card that can rack up points also, but I don't have it yet.

Anyway, I got that all figured out. I made out a check to go into my personal account which I planned on depositing in the morning. Then I remembered I really should put more personal checks in my purse. I thought I'd ordered some not long ago. Well, I discovered after rummaging around that I don't have extra personal checks. I swear I ordered them, but they're nowhere to be seen. That means I only have four left. So then I wondered if there's a way to get checks fast so I have them before vacation May 1. Turns out there is a next day service for around $21.00, but it's worth it when you're desperate.

What about you? Are you organized, or do these things happen to you?