Monday, September 13, 2010

Open Promo Day - Give Us your Elevator Pitches

Since I'm busy on my WIP again, I thought up an easy blog for today, which may be of interest to many of you. Instead of my writing a bunch of stuff, here's your chance to provide an elevator pitch of one of your books, either already out or to be released. Pretend you're talking to an editor or agent, so make it short, and don't cheat and talk about more than one. Embed your buy link and leave your blog and/or website, so people know where to find out more about you and maybe buy your book!

I'll go first - Killer Career - A career change from lawyer to writer could be a killer for Julie who doesn't realize her mentor participates in his own murder mysteries. 

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Facebook, Blogs, Egroups - How do you divvy up your time?

Sometimes I wonder which should come first - Facebook, Blogs or Egroups. They all seem important to me, yet I can't spend as much time on each of them as I'd like. With a full time day job, a husband and dog to come home to, plus a work in progress that's inching ever so slowly along, it's a struggle to divvy up the free moments.

Many people I've met in person, plus online friends and/or potential readers send comments or messages to me on Facebook, a place I love to visit. The possibilities for making friends, learning and sharing seem endless. I resisted for a while, but gave in to Farmville, because its cute, plus it's another way to connect on the Internet. I have to admit I'm not the best farmer there, with my crops withering often, and a fictitious dog I somehow got there which ran away because I forgot to feed it every day. I must assure you the same thing doesn't happen to my real dog, Rascal. She gets plenty of food and treats from me, actually more than she should have, because she has me twisted around her little paws.

Anyway, back to  the topic at hand -.

Blogs are great and I love them. I wish I could read and comment on all the blogs of all the friends - the ones I've met online and in person, but it's impossible. I try to visit the group blogs I belong to first to support my fellow members, then branch out to a few others, but it's usually a hit or miss process.

I also love the egroups to which I belong. I've never met many of the other members face to face, yet they've shared so much with me I feel I know them quite well. I like knowing what's going on in their lives and sharing what' happening in mine. It would be a great loss to lose my connection with them.

So, I love Facebook, Blogs and Egroups, but some days I can't get to them all, though I wish I could. Sometimes it's a matter of whatever catches my eye that gets first choice. What about you? How do you divvy up your time?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Matter of Taste

The pasta salad that came with my lunch today was seasoned with cilantro. I didn't know that until I started eating. Now, cilantro is one of those seasonings you either love or hate.
I despise cilantro, but I finished the pasta salad anyway, since I was hungry and besides I'd paid for it.

The incident kind of reminds me about books. I  find that if I've paid for a book or perhaps one of my friends wrote it, I'll give it a longer stretch to see if I really don't like it. Also, if I have nothing else to read, I'll keep reading. If I still don't care for it after a while, I'll put it aside and go on to another one or do something else. Library books or ones lent to me are more easily put aside or returned.

What about you? What do you do if you've bought a book and later discover it's not what you'd anticipated? Do keep reading a while, or just give up?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Kindle 3 Is Calling Me

I'm having a hard time resisting my Kindle 3. It's calling me to open it up again and read. I really shouldn't. The DH is gone for a few hours and it's a perfect time to concentrate on my WIP - also a perfect time to read.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Kindle 3 Arrived!

Much jubilation when I saw my Kindle 3 arrive at work today! And, it did have all the books on it that I'd ordered on Amazon while I was waiting for it to arrive. That seemed like a miracle to me. How could it do that?

I'm using this cool Collections feature where I can organize my books (strange for me to be actually organized about something, I know). Anyway, I've got some books in Romance, others in Mystery, Non-Fiction, and Amazon info. Makes it much neater and easier to just click on a collection and browse through that bunch, instead of getting a giant mishmash going.

I'm not sure how long this spirt of organization will last. I don't expect it to carry over too far into other aspects of my life. It's not exactly in my nature.

I think I'll read a little now. Just have to decide which book to read first.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Kindles are Coming! The Kindles Are Coming!

I've never had a Kindle, but I ordered the lastest, the Kindle 3, as soon as they were available. Today, I received the anxiously awaited message from Amazon - my Kindle has shipped! I'm very excited and have already ordered some kindle books, which Amazon says will magically appear on my Kindle when it arrives. That will be quite a phenomenon. I'm very amazed at such ingenuity.

I'm not the only one excited. The Kindle Korner e-group I belong to is all abuzz with messages about Kindle 3s being shipped. You might say our excitement is at a fever pitch - we're so close to having ours, but don't just yet!

What about you? Do you own a Kindle? Will you buy one?

Gotta go now and see what other kindle books are available, that is, other than my own - Killer Career, Two Wrongs and Girl of My Dreams.

Are you an alligator in the river?

See to let us know if you're an alligator in the river.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Shining Light

I've got to figure out a way to make my light shine brighter. In church on Sunday morning, I noticed the sunlight shining through the stain glass window so brightly I couldn't tell whether one of the candles by the altar was lit or not.

I feel kind of like that candle with the bright light overpowering it. I either have to move my candle elsewhere or make myself shine brighter. I notice lots of writers are moving their candles over a bit to epublishing, which I also do and may do even more in the future. The problem is the shiny ones are moving over now, too. How do I get away from them, or find a way to shine brighter? Such a dilemma.

Are you experiencing something similar? Or, maybe you've found a solution.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Mane Event - 2009 Remembered

Here's what I wrote last year about the Mane Event - You can tell the weather was a lot cooler then than it is this year.

Another year gone by and here I am again at the Mane Event, the big block party in Arlington Heights the night before the Arlington Million. We sat on a ledge in back of the stage and could definitely hear the band.

In honor of the event, I wore my Arlington Race Track cap and an Arlington Million tee shirt under my jacket. It was a little chilly for August, but the weather has been strange lately.

The DH and I had a great time singing along with the music, even dancing some. On my menu was a pulled pork sandwich, a slice of cheese pizza, pop and a huge chocolate chip cookie.

What kind of doings are in your neighborhood lately?

PS - We'll see what's on my 2010 menu.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Youtube videos

If you've got nothing better to do, in case you don't know it, I have tons of videos up on Youtube. They include writing events and authors, as well as animals and local events.

Here's a link which should take you to any videos with my Youtube name, morganmandel, listed.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Urban Hot Weather Tips

You may think that the Midwest is cool. Well, maybe compared to somewhere like Arizona it is. Still, in the Summer it can get mighty hot, especially this Summer.

From my many years working in Chicago, specifically the Downtown Loop, I’ve devised a few tips for keeping cool. These are not scientific, but they kind of work for me.

Maybe you’ll want to try one or two.

Shade – Not too many trees in Downtown Chicago, so I seek other shade. When needs be, when waiting for a light to change, I’ll stand in the shade of a street light, another person, or a building.

Cut Throughs – Speaking of buildings, when you work in a metropolitan area, there are various buildings you can cut through, such as banks, drug stores, restaurants, or just office buildings. A knowledge of their entrances and exits comes in handy. Sometimes you can not only cool off, but also save time and steps by using a cut through.

Time – Allow yourself extra time if you can. Rushing in the heat can make you hotter than ever.

Water – Bring a small water bottle with, enough for you to chug when extra thirsty, but not so heavy you’ll wish you didn’t have it with you. I’ve got a fairly new stainless steel bottle I use now. Because of another health scare I use it instead of plastic. I fill it halfway up so it doesn’t weigh me down. When I get to the office, I refill it for the trip home. While at the office, I drink pretty much water also to stay hydrated. Speaking of water, putting your hands under the faucet is a great way to cool down at work where you really can’t be taking showers or baths, unless you work at a gym.(g)

Clothing – Wear layers. I usually put on something light, but carry a sweater with me since I never know what temperature the train air conditioning will be set at. Also, the workplace temperature variations are quite iffy. I sling it over one of my shoulders, which makes that area hotter, but wearing the sweater or carrying it are worse options. At times, I’ll even tie a sweater around my waist instead.

So, those are my tips for keeping cool. What are yours, urban or otherwise?

Or, maybe you'd like to share something about a book you've written or read where hot weather or trying to keep cool plays a part in the plot.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Smashwords - I'm On It!!! Hooray!!!

I did it!! I'm on Smashwords!!!
Lots of reading and checking to make sure I formatted everything exactly right, but it looks like I did. Killer Career is up on the site and ready for people to download in tons of ebook formats.

If you use ebooks, you'll most likely find a format there that works for you, all at $2.99.

I'm offering a 40% free sample of Killer Career at Smashwords, just in case you're not sure whether or not you want to spend the $2.99 for the entire book. Here are some links:

Morgan Mandel's Smashwords Author Profile:

Book page to sample or purchase Killer Career:

And, also, you'll notice to the left that I'm using a special Smashwords Edition cover, which converted nicely to black and white.

One more item off of my to-do list. This one took me a while to get around to doing it, but I'm so happy I got it done!!!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

How Much Is Too Much?

Since I got caught in the rainstorm on Wednesday, and my legs were feeling wet and clammy in my jeans, I thought I'd go on my lunch break to buy a new pair (of slacks, not legs). I found some that were really nice on a confusing rack, which on one side had a sale price sign. Not sure if the originally $40.00 slacks were on sale, I asked the cashier. Unfortunately, they were not being sold at sale price. I really liked them, but I forced myself to tell her, "I'm not buying them for that price."

As I walked away, I felt a twinge of regret. Still, I knew I had to stand my ground. Money's tight.

So, taking this to another level, I wonder -
How Much is Too Much for a Book?

To me, if I know the author, I'll purchase a mass market or trade paperback maybe up to about $14.00, but the author would have to be a very close friend for me to splurge on a hardcover.

As far as digital books, including those for kindle and others, I'm afraid I've gotten pretty much spoiled by Amazon's low prices. I've put Killer Career up on kindle at $2.99 and if I can do it, other authors can too. So, I won't be buying any bestsellers for higher amounts when I can get a good read for $2.99 or less.

What about you? How much is too much?

Monday, August 02, 2010

Busy, Busy, Buying, Blogging, Books

It's a busy time for me figuring out how to get Killer Career ready for Smashwords, which should have been done ages ago, I know.

Along the way, as many people already know, I pre-ordered a kindle 3 last week. I looked on the Amazon main page today and learned they're sold out, so I'm glad I got my order in when I did! It won't be coming until around August 27 or so, though. In the meantime, I ordered Marilyn Meredith's Lingering Spirit plus some other free books for my kindle when it arrives. I also ordered a pretty blue cover. And then today I decided it was a good excuse to buy a new purse, one a little larger, but light, where I plan to keep the kindle so I can read it on the train and on breaks.

Blogging - well Monday was my day at Make Mine Mystery, so of course I decided to blog about kindles. (g)

Tuesday is my post at The Blood-Red Pencil, where you get to answer questions and try to stump our Editors. Go on over and see what it's all about.

Books - I hope to finish my WIP one of these days. I've been fitting it into my busy schedule and working on it while commuting.

Anyone else out there busy, busy, buying, blogging and working on or maybe reading books?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kindle 3 is Out!

I checked Amazon's site and I'm excited to learn the kindle 3 is out! Pre-orders are available for August 27 shipment.

My problem is they're giving a choice between graphite color and white. I can't make up my mind.

Does anyone know which is better for reading, or does it matter? The white is prettier, but maybe the graphite is more practical. I don't know what to do. Such a quandary. Help!

Morgan Mandel

Smashwords, kindle and ebook discussion at Acme

come on over to Acme Authors Link, where we're discussing Smashwords, Kindle and Ebooks at

Morgan Mandel

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Chris Verstraete Talks Dogs, Minis, and Other Fun Stuff

Today, we welcome Christine Verstraete who enjoys writing mysteries, children's fiction and short stories.

Besides writing her children's book, Searching For A Starry Night - (now in Kindle and coming soon in a new print version!)  Christine has had short fiction published in various anthologies including Timeshares and the upcoming Steampunk'd from DAW Books, plus in Dragons Composed and The Bitter End: Nautical Tales of Terror. Her latest spooky stories in eBook include "Motherly Love" and "The Killer Valentine Ball" (coming in Oct.)
1. Tell us about Petey, the Dachshund, and Snowy, the Malamute mix, they are too cute for words. Besides that, why are they included in your blog header at Candid Canine ? Is either one included in any of your books?

I know you're a big dog fan, Morgan. I love dogs, too, (Hi Rascal!) and try to add them to most of my fiction.

The funny thing is I add a dog to all my dollhouses and miniature rooms, too. (One project, The Dogcatcher's House, has at least 100 dogs. See my website and click miniatures.)

Petey the Dachshund plays a big role in my kid's mystery, Searching for a Starry Night. Besides causing trouble, he uncovers some clues, too. Snowy, the Malamute mix, is part of my adult mystery set in a diner that I'm sending around to publishers. She's modeled after my real-life dog, Shania, whose picture (the white dog) is on my blog header.

2. When did you first get fascinated by minis, and how do they figure in your books?

I've been collecting miniatures for longer than I care to admit. Ha! I think I've always been fascinated by small things. Once I discovered there were actual dollhouse shows that sold just about everything you use in real life, only smaller, I was hooked. In Searching for a Starry Night, Sam and her friend, Lita, are searching for a lost miniature replica of Van Gogh's "Starry Night."

I also own an actual miniature oil reproduction of the painting, which can be seen at my blog here.

3. Tell us about something that happened at one of your book signings. Anyone ask you where the bathroom was? That seems to be a favorite question. (g)

Yes, I directed some people to the bathroom at Barnes and Noble. Ha! I think my most memorable, funny, and stunning experience was at a dog show. Not a good event choice, it turned out. But this one woman when asked if she liked to read admitted she only read religious nonfiction. When asked about fiction, she said, "No, I wouldn't waste my time." Well.

4. Do you prefer personal appearances over online promotion, or are they equal in your eyes?

I enjoy online promotion, but I've noticed in the last year, especially with Kindle and ebooks, etc., there is starting to be a glut of writers. We all are promoting to each other! I think it may be getting near the saturation point of too many voices in the stream, especially with more and more writers coming online. So a writer will have to make dents in other ways as well.

I also write in other genres, with a nonfiction, how-to book on miniatures coming out next year, so I wear two promotional hats. I hope to attend a miniatures show this fall and in spring which lets me share my handmade miniatures and my books. I also enjoy bookstore promotions and talking to younger readers.

5. Do you belong to any writing groups, in person and/or online?

I belong to a fantastic small critique group in Wisconsin led by science fiction writer Jean Rabe, whom I met at a book signing event. I also enjoy writing groups online through Yahoo groups. I am planning on joining Sisters in Crime in the future.

6. Do you have a set writing schedule?

As a journalist, I'm used to writing every day without fail. I continue to write nonfiction so I work on that besides fiction, short fiction, blog writing, etc. No rest for the wicked. Lol.

7. Tell us how you got involved with Mysterical-e. What do you enjoy most about being part of its process?

I've been involved with Mysterical-e as a columnist for a number of years as part of my own online presence and because I enjoy doing interviews. I like talking to other authors via my Author Snapshot column (as I did with Morgan, see her interview here and giving them another platform for their books and writing.

8. What about ebooks? Are they a good or bad thing for the book industry?

I think ebooks are an interesting innovation and any additional way to get people interested in reading has to be good. Plus, there's a lower selling price, which is also a bonus in our present economy.

9. What else would you like to say? Spill the beans for us.

A new version of Searching for a Starry Night is coming out in print shortly and is being designed as I speak. I'm hoping that readers will try either the Kindle or ebook version, or get the new print version if that is their preference.

Morgan, thanks for letting me meet your blog visitors!

Anyone commenting on any of the blog stops on the tour can win:
* One person who comments on any of the blog tour stops will win a free Kindle copy of Searching for a Starry Night. (You can download Kindle for PC free here.)
* One person will also win a miniaturized dollhouse collector's edition of the first chapter from the first print edition, made by miniaturist LeeAnn Borgia. See myblog for links and photo.

** To celebrate the revised Searching for a Starry Night, one person will win a copy of the new print version when it is available.
* Website
* Blog
* eBooks page
* Searching For A Starry Night on Kindle,

Blog Tour Schedule Next Three Stops:

Tues, 7/27: Killer Hobbies with Camille Minichino - Crafts and Writing, what comes first?
Weds, 7/28: Marian Allen's Blog at - Talking about Writing
Thurs, 7/29: Helen Ginger, Straight from Hel - Getting Kindleized
Full Schedule, including posts you may have missed, can be found at:

Okay, gang, don't forget to comment to be eligible to win a prize! Leaving an email address would be helpful to find you when you win. Think positive, but if you don't win, you can always buy the kindle from the handy Amazon link above. Thanks for visiting Double M today, Chris.
- Morgan Mandel 

Friday, July 23, 2010

E-Book Wars - Another Skirmish

It's official. In case you didn't know it before, the war is on. Here's evidence of one more skirmish among many - this time with Random House and an agency.

Morgan Mandel

Monday, July 19, 2010

You Don't Hear This Much

Celia Yeary's blog post Monday at reminded me of a participation blog I'd been wanting to write, but kept forgetting.

Now that I remember, here goes:

When I grew up I heard so many phrases that were a normal part of speech. I thought nothing special of them at the time.  Now that I don't hear them much any more, and I kind of miss them.

Some of them are:
Don't dilly dally
None of that monkeyshine business, you hear?
That's really icky
Were you born in a barn?

I know there are more, but right now I can't think of them. How about you? Which ones do you remember?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Making Room in My Life

Right now my work in progress is occupying a large part of my free time. I'm going to find one of those meter things and stick it on my blog here so people can see I'm really doing something. It will also be a great motivator for me to get to the end.

I do have some great guests coming up here and at Acme Authors Link. You'll be learning about them soon.

Also, I plan on making some changes to free up more of my time to do things I really enjoy, like blogging, but that will have to wait a few more months until I can set my plan in motion.

Until then, I'll do what I can. You can usually find me on Facebook, by the way, since there's a pretty fast app for it on my Iphone and I can zing in and out of there quite often.

Here's my spot over there -

I've also got a fan page, but that's for just in case my followers multiply twice as much as they are now and turn into 5,000. That one's at
