Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Who Do You Blog?

Check out some of my thoughts on blogging at
If you want, add your thoughts here or there or both.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Eight Reasons to Comment on Blogs

I'm curious. I wonder how many blog readers like to comment and how many don't.

It wasn't until I got heavy into blogging that I understood the values and joys of commenting. Before that, I would read a blog that caught my interest, but wouldn't think of leaving a message below it to say what I thought of the blog.

If you don't leave comments, you're missing out on some great opportunities, such as:

  1. A chance to slip in a tie about your latest work-in-progress if it relates to the blog topic;
  2. A chance to get your brand out to the public;
  3. A chance to rack up another Google when people look up your name;
  4. A chance to be considered an expert on a subject;
  5. A chance to make cyber friends;
  6. A chance to share your thoughts with the blogger and successive readers of that blog;
  7. A chance to promote your own blogspot by including a link at the bottom of your comment;
  8. A chance to make a fellow blogger look good. You may not have thought of it before, but regular bloggers do check other bloggers' posts to see how many comments they receive.

Can you think of any other good reasons to comment on a blog?

If you don't usually comment, has my post convinced you to try? I'd love it if this were the first post you commented on. It's easy, just click at the bottom right side of this post where it says comments (or the number of comments if someone has already made one). A pop-up window will come up. You may need to answer Yes. After that, you can add your thoughts. When you're done, it may also prompt you to say Yes again. Once you've done that, a message should say your comment is saved.

If you're a regular at commenting, as always I welcome your insights.

Regulars or rookies, please share.