5:45 to get ready for work.
If I could sleep, I wouldn't sleep later than 7 or 7:30 anyway.
What about you? If you could sleep as late as you wanted, how late
would that be?
Sent from my iPhone
If I could sleep, I wouldn't sleep later than 7 or 7:30 anyway.
What about you? If you could sleep as late as you wanted, how late
would that be?
Sent from my iPhone
I got a chance to Google the other day and my efforts were rewarded! I found a review for Killer Career at Internet Review of Books. I'm not sure how long it was there, but I'm very happy I discovered it. . If you'd care to look, it's at http://internetrevi ewofbooks. com/sep09/ brief_reviews. html?dsq= 17850973 The fun thing about this is the reviewer has the exact same name as my main character, Julie McGuire. Moral of the story - Remember to Google - kind of reminds me of Remember to Floss, which I always forget until right before the next dental appointment. (g) If you feel the urge - here are some buy links: KILLER CAREER Is At Ingram, At Barnes & Noble, NOW ON KINDLE FOR $5.77, ALSO AT BOOKSAMILLION.COM, AMAZON.COM, BN.COM, MOBIPOCKET.COM, DIESEL-EBOOKS.COM |
Morgan Mandel & Alex Brooks------------------------Twister
Tuesday night the DH and I had a great time at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library, where professional dog trainer, Alex Brooks, dispensed welcome advice to his eager audience.
Judging from the number of hands that went up in the question and answer period, it was obvious Alex's expertise was much needed.
Aggression over food, barkers, separation anxiety, and which collars to use were only a portion of the topics addressed.
I asked him what to do about Rascal's aggressive tendencies toward bikers, joggers, and skateboarders. I also mentioned part of the problem was she was deaf and couldn't hear them coming up from behind her. He suggested acquainting her with skateboards by going to a skateboard park. That way she'd come to consider them as routine. Now, I see a skateboard park in our future. (g)
His dog, Twister, shown above, is an American bulldog. She's white like our Rascal, but Rascal is a pit bull Dalmatian mix. Twister is taller and has a brown patch, instead of Rascal's black patch. Twister, like Rascal, is deaf. Alex used hand signals to train her.
Rascal pictured here.
It looked like Alex did a great job with Twister. After the presentation, anyone who wanted to could come up to the stage and pet her. The dog was super friendly, dispensing kisses and wagging her tail vigorously.
We hope to take in another Alex Brooks presentation soon. It was great fun and very informative. Here's the link to the Alex Brooks Canine Center, if you'd like more information about him and his work. Check out the cute dog on the main page while you're at it. Another thing to learn - how to do animation on my blog and website. http://www.absdt.com/index.php