Sunday, August 31, 2008

Let Your Light Shine By Morgan Mandel

They say a pregnant woman has a glow about her. So should an author. To get people hooked on you and your books, be sure to let your light shine.

Be enthusiastic.
Be friendly.
Be caring.
Be outgoing.
Be prepared.
Be everywhere.
Be smart.
Be everything.

Not easy, but only the uninitiated think it is!

Morgan Mandel

I'M SO SPOILED By Morgan Mandel

I'm so spoiled. I can type my manuscripts on a computer. If I make mistakes I can fix them. If I want to move sentences, paragraphs or pages, I can do that. If I want to print, I just connect a USB cord to a printer, press a button and get as many copies as I want.

Whatever did authors do before? Good grief, they had to write with pen or pencil on paper. Or type on a typewriter that didn't have the auto correct when spaced backwards. Then, if it was before the copy machines, they had to use carbons to make copies, or worse yet, type extra ones and hope they didn't make mistakes.

I've been complaining because lately on vacation I've had a hard time connecting with my network card to the Internet. Thank goodness, I finally got mine working right today. But whatever did authors do before the Internet? How did they ever get their names out there?

I'm so spoiled.

Morgan Mandel

Tweets for Today

  • 20:10 After dinner went to Hoggie Doggie's in Woodruff, WI. for chocolate covered soft serve ice cream.Why can't I eat like this all the time? #
  • 21:32 New author? Need promo ideas? Read my blog today at #
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Saturday, August 30, 2008

HABIT By Morgan Mandel

I'm a creature of habit. I've worked at the same law firm for over 36 years. I've been married to my husband for almost the same amount of time. I eat the same things for breakfast each day. I watch the same things on TV. Need I go on?

Readers are also creatures of habit. At stores, they gravitate toward books by authors they're familiar with, usually the ones on the NY Times Bestseller Lists. They've either read books by these authors or have seen so much advance publicity, the authors seem familiar to them.

How does an author not on the Bestseller List get sales? It's not easy, unless you're incredibly lucky. Most of us aren't.

So, to get those readers to buy your book, a fledgling author needs to follow through on a serious publicity campaign. You want your name known not only in book circles, but also with the general public.

Here are a few suggestions to get you started. There are many more out there.

First get a website and blog. Be sure to keep them updated. If you're not on the Internet these days, you're not considered a sourced to be reckoned with.

Get advertising material. Some suggestions are: bookmarks and business cards to leave everywhere you can think of; postcards to mail to libraries, bookstores and the people on your Christmas list; rack cards for bookstores; tee shirts, tote bags, caps with your cover art on them; pens with your name, website and book name; flyers and brochures containing your cover art and blurbs.

Whenever possible, get interviews so your name and book information appear in the newspaper. Also, get interviews online.

Arrange book signings. Participate in conference and library panels.

Join listservs and book sites where you can network with other authors or readers.

These are just a few ways to get noticed. I've done them all. Also, I've done far-fetched things like riding in a 4th of July parade hawking my book. You do whatever you feel comfortable with and more. Stretch the limits each time until you get more comfortable promoting your book. Don't just sit at a book signing. Get up and put your book in a person's hands and talk about it, or whatever else the reader wants to discuss.

By now, you've got the idea. Do everything you can to get noticed. It's the only hope you have to get readers to spend their dollars on your books instead of those on the NY Times Bestseller List.

What are you waiting for? Get to work.

Morgan Mandel

Tweets for Today

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Friday, August 29, 2008

FISH FRY SPOT By Morgan Mandel

Tonight we're heading out for a fish fry at Tula's, a small local restaurant. It's one of the places that's so popular if you don't get there early you have a long wait.

Something to think about when I'm writing. Make sure to include some special spot, not necessarily a real place, but an amalgam of actual places, like pieces in a puzzle that fit together. Sort of like the bar at Friends, where everyone knows your face. Including such a special spot can ground the reader in the story.

Gotta get ready for the fish fry!
Morgan Mandel

Tweets for Today

  • 23:39 Lost at the casino tonight. Got my blog up before I turned into a pumpkin. It was close this tme. - #
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Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Vacation From Writing? By Morgan Mandel

I'll be posting more while I'm on vacation, as time permits, but wanted to leave you with a few thoughts to ponder.

Writing is not always typing onto the computer or putting something down on paper. It's also gathering ideas and deciding which ones you wnat to accept in your manuscript or blog.

So, I may be on vacation right now, but here's no rest from my being a writer.

Morgan Mandel

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

ON THE ROAD AGAIN - Morgan Mandel

It's about 12:30 early Wednesday morning. We're leaving in about 4 hours for Wisconsin. I may be able to post something later today, but if not, that means I'm having too good a time eating and hopefully winning at Lake of the Torches Casino.

If you haven't done so, don't forget to check out the Rascal video on youtube. The link is:

You'll find some others of mine there as well.

Until later,

Morgan Mandel

Tweets for Today

  • 07:44 On train trying to think up something for blog. See Rascal if you haven't yet at #
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Being last out isn't fun.

My husband used to be the last one out the door in the morning. His work hours changed. Now I'm it and I hate it.

There are all sorts of things I need to do before leaving. I have to make sure all the lights are off. I need to check the stove and other appliances and make sure Rascal is put in her room. Lastly, I need to lock the door behind me. So being last one out, though a minor inconvenience, is irritating.

I don't like being the last one out of the train either. What if the door closes while I'm trying to leave or just before? It's never happened yet, but I still get uneasy.

I don't like being the last one out of an elevator either because sometimes the doors want to close right before or while I'm trying to get out.

So, being last out is no fun.

Same thing with books. I had a title all picked out for my debut mystery. I was going to call it Dead Wrong, but that name was already taken. It took me a while, but I figured out a new title and settled on Two Wrongs, which I like. Still, I wasn't happy at the time.

Then there's popular trends in books. I could go with what's hot now. Maybe I will, but I'm not sure. It could be the trends will change by the time my book is published and I'll be last out or maybe not.

Anyway, I'll just write what I want and take a chance. Whether it's first or last out, I'll deal with it like I always do.

Morgan Mandel

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Monday, August 25, 2008


I intend to finish my book about Rascal, our Amstaff/Dalmatian mix who was born without hearing, but for now I'm sharing some of her fun moments.

Yesterday, my husband and I followed her to her favorite hangout, Bentley's Corner Bakery. Lately every time we walk her she turns and pulls in that direction. Co-owner, Giovanni, says Bentley's has many such loyal customers who do the same thing!

Here's the YouTube link to my video, which is one in a series about Rascal's visit to Bentley's Corner Barkery. Hope you enjoy it!

Morgan Mandel

Tweets for Today

  • 12:58 @AngelaWilson - Yuck - Don't you remember how messy carbons were? I hated when I had to correct them. Copy machines are a blessing. #
  • 12:59 @AngelaWilson MaBell isn't half as bad as the cable companies. They run wild! #
  • 13:00 Hate packing? Read my post at Got it done early today for a change! #
  • 17:36 @AngelaWilson You need to get a new e-mail addie & pretend to be someone else when you log onto your computers. They don't like you. #
  • 17:38 Just taped Rascal at her favorite hangout - Bentley's Corner Barkery - Doing a video for youtube with the others there - click morganmandel #
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Sunday, August 24, 2008


Big Arbor Vitae Lake, WI

I hate packing. I'm supposed to leave for vacation Wednesday morning. Tomorrow night I have a Chicago-North RWA meeting and Tuesday night is loading-the-car night, since we want to leave at the crack of dawn of Wednesday. That means today I need to perform a miracle. I have to find the necessary items that are scattered around the house and organize them neatly so they're ready to go.

Some of the basics I usually haul with are my camera and film, walkie talkies with battery chargers (essential when the DH is out fishing on the lake so I can reach him if the cell phone won't connect), dog food and treats, people snacks, pills, sunglasses, books,magazines to read when I'm not at the casino or writing, cash, credit cards, more clothes than I usually need.

Then we have the long drive up to the cottage near Minocqua, which could take 6-7 hours, depending on traffic. Once we finally get there, it will all be worth it. I'll see my good friend, Jeanne. I'll go on long walks with Rascal. I'll have fun eating at great restaurants, going shopping, and playing slots at Lake of the Torches Casino. The weather even sounds like it will cooperate.

It's the getting ready that's hard. Kind of like getting a book done. I usually start with an idea and know how the book will end.

It's the rest that's a challenge. I need to round out my character, both physically and mentally. Are there inconsistencies in thinking? Have I provided the correct amount of backstory without administering an overdose? Is my character sympathetic at the beginning, or at least by the end of the book? Are the goals realistic? Have I created enough obstacles and conflict?

What about descriptions? When I wrote my romantic comedy, Girl of My Dreams, I did a lot of online research about Hollywood, Las Vegas, Venice and Paris, so I could depict them accurately. Some people love research. I hate it. I know it's necessary, but it slows me down.

There's lots of details to attend to when I'm getting ready for vacation, also in getting a book ready. Still, the rewards are worth it.

Morgan Mandel
Anyway, you kind of get the picture. There's more to writing a book than just having and idea.

Tweets for Today

  • 07:39 Retwitter MWA, RWA, EPIC, NY - #
  • 07:41 @AngelaWilson That's why it's surprising when anything arrives on time! I know how you feel. I was without my iphone for a day - awful! #
  • 10:34 @blogbooktours Thanks for the headsup on the Grammar Girl article. #
  • 10:37 @WritingSpirit Okay, I'll finish writing my book about Rascal. You talked me into it! #
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Saturday, August 23, 2008


I'm going out to listen to an oldies group called Retro Rockets tonight. In place of my blog, I'm leaving 2 links for you to check out. One is my interview. The other is my promotional site.

Please stop by them and learn more about what makes me tick as a writer.

Morgan Mandel

Tweets for Today

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 07:44 On the train, almost at work. Hoping people visit guest blogger, Tim Hallinan, - great mystery writer. #
  • 07:48 @EchelonPress - Missing socks - A very universally significant topic for a book. (LOL) #
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Thursday, August 21, 2008

BUSY NIGHT By Morgan Mandel

I've had quite a busy night because my new ning network, Sixty and Savvy, got a great influx of members during the day.

I like to welcome each member personally, so it took me a little while to respond to the new 20 members. I'm not complaining.

When I set up my now popular Book Place, , with at last count 1,318 members, I did it because I didn't see any free networks where all aspects of books and their promotion could be explored.

My new network, Sixty and Savvy, also fills a gap. People in the age group of almost Sixty and over need a good place to hang out and share memories, fads, photos, life experiences, plus offer tips to each other. So Sixty and Savvy, located at, is designed to answer that need. It's still in its infancy, but I have high hopes to reach out to more members and achieve my goal.

If you or someone you know would like to join either or both of my ning networks, you're most welcome to do so. You'll get your own free page, be able to post photos, videos, blogs, comment, private messages, list events, participate in forums, all kinds of opportunities.

Hope to see some of you over there.

Morgan Mandel.

Tweets for Today

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I wonder how many people read newspapers any more.

We get the Daily Herald delivered to our doorstep every morning. I read the Neighbor Section, the front page, sometimes the Business Section, depending if I'm running late for work or not.

It used to be newspapers were our primary source for news, along with radio and TV. Now it seems most people find out what's happening faster on the Internet instead.
To accommodate this, the newspapers have set up web sites. Many columnists have their own blogs also. Often something that's just happened appears on a newspaper's website right away, which gets confusing.

Despite trying to keep up with the times, I've heard that newspapers like the Chicago Sun Times are hurting for readership and laying off people.

So, I wonder how many people are still faithful to the printed word? Also, how does this apply to books?

At the Frontier Days Festival when I was selling my mystery, Two Wrongs, and my romantic comedy, Girl of My Dreams, I had one woman ask if I had audio versions. It's the only way she can fit books into her busy schedules.

Since the Internet and everything associated with it is so popular, ebooks are gaining in popularity. What used to be the cache of small publishing companies has now become a marketplace for NY publishing houses. Let's face it, ebooks are very convenient. They fit on just about any gizmo, even the popular Iphone, plus you can loads scads of them and carry them around in your purse or pocket, unlike the printed books.

Still, there are many diehard readers out there who prefer the look of paper, the feel of turning actual pages, the satisfaction of physically opening a new book.

I'm glad to say both my books are in print and ebook forms. To me, they both have their merits.

Which do you prefer? I've got a small quiz here where you can show your preference.

Morgan Mandel

Tweets for Today

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A LONG WALK by Morgan Mandel

Just went for a long walk with my husband and Rascal. It was a perfect summer night with a gentle breeze. Something to remember when the cold winds blow this winter.

Labor Day happens way too soon. I thought I'd have more time this summer to finish all sorts of things, mainly, the new book I started writing, the e-mails that need pruning, the reorganization of my work space.

I don't think those things will happen soon. But, little by little, yes. I'm encouraged by the steps I'm taking. I received great feedback from my critique at the Chicago-North RWA meeting and have a better idea of where my Mr. Fix-It story is headed.

On the homefront, we received a good quote from Yardworks, Etcetera, Inc, who will soon proceed with trimming the evergreens and clearing out the deadwood, including the Rose of Sharon which refused to bloom this year. It's a shame since I really loved those flowers. The DH has even begun cleaning out the garage, in increments, but at least it's a start.

Everything is falling into place, but not as fast as I'd hoped. That's okay. I'll enjoy the weather, the company of my husband and Rascal, and finish my book a step at a time. It might be a long walk, but I've gone on ones before with Two Wrongs and Girl of My Dreams, so I know I can do it.

Morgan Mandel

Monday, August 18, 2008

DO YOU BLING? By Morgan Mandel


Which glasses have the bling? The ones on the right, obviously.

After four years of wearing the same frames, even after changing prescriptions, I broke down and added more bling to my life. What prompted the change was a small scratch, which I knew would get larger with time, also Sears had a good sale. For the heck of it I tried on some snazzier frames and decided I liked them.

I wear them a lot, but not always. They do have their disadvantages. For one thing, I can see the sides of the new frames in my peripheral vision, which is very distracting. The old frames were open. Because of safety factors, when I’m driving, I still wear the plain frames. Also, when I go to aerobics class, I use the oldies so the new ones won’t get all sweaty.

For a while I even kept the old ones on the nightstand because I was afraid I’d knock the new ones off, but decided I was being overprotective.

I’ve come to the conclusion there’s a time and place for bling, actually many times and places. Also, there’s a time and place for plain.

Even before I changed glasses, I already was into bling. If you take a look at my website at , you’ll find bling on the main page—banners, review site logos, photos, other doo-dads. At one time, it even had an electronic marquee advertising the release of Girl of My Dreams.
I try to make each page unique, depicting the flavor of my novel and the subject matter I’m presenting. You’ll find airplanes and landmark photos on the travelogue that tracks the rounds in Girl of My Dreams. You’ll find a projector on the page with the first chapter excerpt, plus other gimmicks throughout the website designed to grab the reader’s attention.

On my blogs, whenever I can I add some kind of graphic to catch the eye, like the photos of my glasses above.

I belong to a lot of networks on , also am a creator of a few, and, where you’ll find all kinds of bling in the form of photos, trailers, and other gimmicks.

Along with the glitz, I also belong to a great many no-frill listservs - bookblogtours,longandshortromancereviews, MurderMustAdvertise, and too many more to mention. I learned of these groups through networking and also by typing in and choosing topics I was interested in. From these message groups I’ve gained valuable information and valued friends. They are a necessary part of my education,marketing strategy and online social life.

So, which is better, bling or plain? I say they both have their merits.

What about you? Do you like bling? Or plain? Or both, like me?

Morgan Mandel

Tweets for Today

  • 14:52 Just posted a blog at about 2 rock groups and the similarity to the Awe-Struck sale to Mundania Press #
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Sunday, August 17, 2008


The Meteors at Beacon Tap in Des Plaines

Last night was a perfect evening to sit outside and listen to great music. That's exactly what my husband and I did. We'd heard that The Meteors were playing at Beacon Tap in DesPlaines,Illinois, so we decided to drive over and listen to them. An outing to hear a local band play at a beer garden may not sound inspiring, but you need to hear the history of this band.

The Meteors, known as Johnny Star and the Meteors, were quite popular in this area as a cover band for about 30 years. With a powerful voice, the lead singer, Johnny Star, belted out songs by the Beatles, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Jay and the Americans. Then something wonderful happened for Johnny. About 3 months ago, Johnny was "discovered" and became an "overnight success." Jay from Jay and the Americans had left their group, they needed a replacement, and they wanted Johnny.

Johnny's big break left The Meteors without a lead singer. They could have given up, but instead reorganized and continued on. When we saw them last night, they didn't seem the same as when Johnny Star was their lead singer, yet they still had a great sound. Judging from the amount of people in the audience who got up to dance, we weren't the only ones who thought The Meteors still had it in them.

I'd have to say many of the authors from Awe-Struck right now probably feel like The Meteors did when they heard Johnny was leaving. The success of Awe-Struck became so daunting the owners, great as they were, couldn't keep up with the volume of tasks. So they did the sensible thing. They sold to another press that could better handle the load.

Now Awe-Struck authors are actually Mundania Press authors, though no outward signs are evident at this time and may not be for quite a while. The switch and all of its implications may seem a bit baffling for these authors, yet from what I understand, exciting days are ahead for them with new opportunities.

The main thin is, like The Meteors, the Awe-Struck authors will still be able to share their talents. Bottom line is that's what really matters.

Morgan Mandel

Saturday, August 16, 2008

SOCIAL NETWORKS by Morgan Mandel

These flowers have nothing to do with the blog subject, but they're pretty enough to share.

Thanks to Blogger, I've got some neat widgets here you can link to and take you to some great social networks. You may even find me on some of them. BOOK PLACE and SIXTY AND SAVVY at and are my own networks, but I belong to many others on ning. The array is endless and addictive.

I spend endless hours also at MySpace, Twitter, Facebook, Shelfari, Youtube, Goodreads. I gave up on Second Life because it was too confusing for me. You'll find some of my links further down in the left column. There are quite a few. When in doubt, if you type morganmandel in the address, you usually can find me.

Does it help market my books, TWO WRONGS and GIRL OF MY DREAMS? I can't tell for sure now, but I do know I'm making lots of friends without leaving home!

Morgan Mandel

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Morgan Mandel at Book World in Minocqua

I combined pleasure with pleasure on my last vacation. I confess to eating an overabundance of evil food, since vacation calories don't count. So I digged into the butter burgers and concrete shakes at Culver's, the fish and shrimp at the fish fry at Tula's, the fried chicken at Fibber's, and raspberry with white chocolate truffle ice cream at Cathy's. No, not at the same time. (g)

I also spent way too much time and money at Lake of the Torches Casino because I'm a player. Players play slots if they win or lose. When we win, we keep going since we have more money to play with. When we lose, the next spin has to be better than the last.

Besides participating in the evil sports of overeating and playing slots this past vacation, I also held a book signing on Saturday, July 26 at Book World on the main drag in Minocqua, Wisconsin. I had a great time talking to readers and telling them about my books.

Armed with a fresh review of my new romantic comedy, GIRL OF MY DREAMS, written in the nick of time by Joyce Laabs of the Lakeland Times newspaper, and the flyers in the window the past month, I set up my table at Book World.

Advance publicity does help. One woman said she'd hear of the book signing and that's why she came in. A younger woman, when she saw the cover of GIRL OF MY DREAMS on the table, said she'd seen the book before.

When I hear such comments I'm heartened to know my name and books are becoming known.

Anyway, Book World also stocked my debut mystery, TWO WRONGS. That was a good thing, since surprisingly that day more readers were in the mood for a mystery than a romance.

I'm looking forward to another booksigning during Cranberry Fest in Eagle River, WI on October 4. It's a very popular event, judging from the response I received last year at my book signing.

More exciting book signings being finalized.

Until then,
Take care,
Morgan Mandel

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Great time at Mystery Authors Book Signing April 5 at B & N

Glad to say the Book Signing yesterday, April 5, at Barnes & Noble -
Arlington Heights, IL was a fun time & great success. We canvassed the store, sold our books and made new friends.
Now I have even more photos to add to my 2008 Book Signing page at

Here's one to start out with.
Morgan Mandel

Sunday, March 30, 2008


You can find this photo & others, plus news on future book signings on the new, colorful page, 2008booksignings, which you can access by clicking on my profile photo on the main page at or clicking the tab in the Morgan Lite Section.
Hope you enjoy them.
Morgan Mandel

Monday, March 03, 2008


Morgan & Chicago-North RWA Buddy & Right Hand Helper at the Event, Deb Rittle
Gorgeous Flowers From Deb

Sue McCarthy Walden, Morgan, Sue Cherf, Morgan's husband, Paul

Family En Masse

Good Friends & Fans, Al & Rosemary

Morgan Mandel & Husband, Paul

Sunday, February 24, 2008

My Impressions - Barbara Walters Show & Academy Awards - Morgan Mandel

I've got a sore throat, which means a cold or the dreaded flu, but I got bored with sleeping.

To break the monotony, I watched Barbara Walters interview:

Miley Cyrus - or Destiny Hope Cyrus, which was the first name her parents gave her. She's 15 years old and already owns an entire wing in her parents' home. What a life!
Very engaging young girl who seems to have her head on straight despite all of her notoriety.

I also watched Barbara Walters interview Ellen Page, a very pretty 21 year old, very sensible, but she just had to close the interview singing a song which I can't get out of my head - nice little ditty.

Vanessa Williams - who spoke about the controversy over her nude photos and admitted they weren't worth it in the long run. Very lovely woman who admitted she, like many other movie stars, uses Botox.

Harrison Ford - who says his new Indiana Jones movie, set for release in May, will not hide the passage of time. Harrison himself is now 65, but doesn't look it.

I love the glamor of the Academy Awards. I particularly enjoy watching what the stars wear and how their hair is done. Sometimes they look completely different in person than on the sample movie clips shown.

Many of the women are wearing strapless gowns - which always make me a bit nervous - how do they keep them up without spilling out of them?

Anyway, I haven't seen any of the movies, but will eventually do so on DVD.

I just watched Tilda Swinton win supporting actress. She looked totally surprised. It was refreshing to see that much spontaneity.

Anyway, I'm signing off now so I can enjoy the rest of the Awards - Also to Dream that some day my romantic comedy, GIRL OF MY DREAMS by Morgan Mandel can be made into a movie - Well, I did say it was a dream, didn't I?

Morgan Mandel

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Girl of My Dreams by Morgan Mandel Now Available For Order

Hi everyone,
After all the stress of the Holiday Season, you'll need a break. Consider ordering Girl of My Dreams, my new romantic comedy about an assistant turned reality show contestant, to be shipped after 1/1/08. (Guys, if you order early, you'll be set for a Valentine's Day gift!)

When food poisoning strikes the set of a new reality show, Jillian, the straitlaced assistant, steps in and becomes a contestant. The transformed Jillian is swept up into travel and adventure, as each round brings her closer to winning the millionaire. Too bad he's not the one she loves.

Order information for print books is at:
If you prefer ebooks, at present Girl of My Dreams is also available at All Romance Ebooks. You can't miss it at:
I'll let you know when it also comes up at Amazon.

Have a Merry Christmas!

Morgan Mandel

Sunday, December 02, 2007


Hi folks,

Just wanted you to know that Two Wrongs by Morgan Mandel is available on Kindle!!!

Anyone who has one of these neat little gadgets and wants to try it out, almost as soon as you decide you want it, you'll have a copy of Two Wrongs on your Kindle.

If you don't have a Kindle, better put yourself on the waiting list. I hear the first batch already sold out. The demand is great.

Also, if you know anyone who has a Kindle and you've already read Two Wrongs by Morgan Mandel, please pass along the good word. I appreciate it.

All the best,

Morgan Mandel

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Barnes & Noble, 590 E. Golf Rd, Schaumburg, on Thurs, Nov. 29,
2007, 7-8:30pm

If you're a romance reader or writer, Chicago Spring Fling is a must conference. I've posted information from the coordinators about how to get in on this great event. Note the early bird deadline for discounted pricing is fast approaching.

Not only does Spring Fling feature big name authors, like Debbie Macomber, Eloisa James and Christie Ridgway, but also featured are editors and agents from major houses taking pitches and offering tips. (Some of our Acme Authors Link members will also be present, myself included)

Two sites of interest on the conference are: and

** Permission to Forward **

April 25-26, 2008
Deerfield, IL

The Chicago-North Romance Writers of America is pleased to announce the
line-up of headlining speakers, editors and agents for the 2008 Spring Fling
Writers' Conference:


New York Times best-selling author: Debbie Macomber
USA Today best-selling authors: Eloisa James & Christie Ridgway

Tessa Woodward (Avon Publishing)
Victoria Curran (Harlequin)
Editor TBD (Grand Central Publishing)

Paige Wheeler (Folio Literary Management)
Kristen Nelson (The Nelson Agency)
Elaine Spencer (The Knight Agency)
Christina Hogrebe (Jane Rotrosen Agency)


Marcia Anderson, Sherrill Bodine, Laurie Brown, Sara Daniels, Blythe Gifford, Margot Justes, Maureen Lang, Lindsay Longford, Myrna MacKenzie, Morgan Mandel, Allie Pleiter, Martha Powers, Patricia Rosemoor, Jen Stevenson, Margaret Watson, Pat White


For more information about Spring Fling 2008 and to register, please visit:

For more information about Chicago-North Romance Writers of America, please

Questions? Contact us at: conference@chicagon

I hope to see some of you over there!
Morgan Mandel

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Newsletter coming soon. To sign up, go to
On the main page, you'll find a sign up button.

Mark your calendar: Visit Morgan Mandel and DL Larson at Schaumburg Barnes & Noble on Thursday, November 29: 7:00 - 8:30 pm.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Handing off to 2 blogs of interest

Please check out my blog today at about the Arlington Heights Friends of the Library sale. You may have also been there, done that.

You may also wish to see my Back to Basics blog about writing. Today it's about critiques, more specifically my critique by Chicago-North Romance Writers of America.
You can find it at

All the best,
Morgan Mandel

Saturday, October 13, 2007


If you're an animal lover like I am, you might enjoy my new vacation video, featuring my dog, Rascal, at the Blessing of the Animals for St. Francis Day on Oct. 3, 2007, at Holy Family Catholic Church (parking lot), Woodruff Wisconsin.

Here's the link. If it doesn't work for you, just go to youtube. com and do a search for morganmandel (oneword) and it will be at the top of my many videos.

Morgan Mandel

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Morgan Mandel's Special Links re: Writing Basics & Re: Morgan Mandel as Sept. Spotlight Member for Writer's Digest Book Club

Today, you can find my Back to Basics blog about Backstory at

Also, If you get Writer's Digest Book Club newsletter, I'm their September Spotlight Member. Please turn to page 16 to see my bio, photo and book recommendations.
If you don't, at my request, Linda Walker was kind enough to set up a link at:

All the best,
Morgan Mandel

Friday, September 14, 2007

I'm in Writer's Digest Book Club Newsletter!

Hi friends,
This is almost as good as having a book featured in the WDBC Newsletter - I'm the Spotlight Member for September!

All these years of buying reference books has finally paid off. I sent in my submission to WDBC about a year ago and had given up since I'd not heard from anyone. Then about three months ago, I received an e-mail from Linda Walker, the editor, asking if I would still like to be featured.

As an author on the lookout for publicity anywhere and everywhere, of course I grabbed at the chance. You'll see my profile on page 16, along with the three books I recommend out of my vast library of WDBC books. I have so many it was hard to decide.

Anyway, my Spotlight page is right across from the order page. Maybe one day if I'm lucky I'll make it to the order page. I can always dream.

Morgan Mandel

Tuesday, August 07, 2007



Hi folks,I'm very pleased to have received two new reviews.

The most recent one, from George T of Pop Syndicate, on 8/1/07, gives TWO WRONGS
5 stars and says:

"Two Wrongs by Morgan Mandel is a thriller page by page. You won't want to put this one down until you've reached the end...This is a riveting reading and you will be glad you read this book.

"To see the entire review, go to:www.popsyndicate. com/site/ story/book_ review_of_ two_wrongs_ by_morgan_ mandel/

or go to www.popsyndicate. com and click Books in the righthand column, then click on the third review.

The other, from Patti McQuillen, of the Book Place Reviewers'Group, in July, 2007, says,

"This book is an awesome page turner...In the first sitting I read seventeen chapters...I do recommend this one. It pulls together life, perception, choices, consequences and communication. "

To see the entire review, go to:http://morganmandel books.ning. com/group/ bookreviewers

I'm happy that Two Wrongs is still generating enough interest for reviewers. If you know anyone who likes mysteries or romantic suspense, this novel is still available through www.hardshell. com, and by order at bookstores.

All the Best,Morgan Mandel

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Here's a press release about an event I hope you can make. Maybe I'll see some of you over there!


Readers, beginning writers and authors are invited to the Gotta Write Network’s Third Annual Authorfest on Saturday, June 23, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Schaumburg Township Distr. Library, 130 S. Roselle Road, Schaumburg, IL. No registration necessary.
Gotta Write Networks’ website owner, Denise Fleischer, and other local authors will moderate panels including How to Create An Unforgettable Romance, Murder 101, The Scoop on Promotion, Writing Children’s and Young Adult books that Readers Love, and Professionals Tell It Like It Is.
Some of the more than 50 authors attending are local mystery author, Morgan Mandel of Arlington Heights, J.A. Konrath of Schaumburg, Todd Stone of Naperville, Luisa Buehler of Lisle, and Chicagoan Mary Welk. Also present will be Echelon Press author and Golden Heart Finalist Kelle Z. Riley, romantic thriller author, Rosemarie Piemonte, Avon romance authors, Melody Thomas and Jenna Peterson, children’s author, Arlene Erlbach, and drama writer for the BBC, The SciFi Channel and New York City’s Radio Pacifica, Darren Callahan.
Books will be sold before and after panels and from 1-2 p.m. Purchases can be autographed throughout Authorfest.
See authors’ promotional website, Gotta Write Network, for more details about Authorfest, as well as book reviews and author interviews.

Morgan Mandel

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

GIRL OF MY DREAMS By Morgan Mandel

Just wanted to share the good news!!!

GIRL OF MY DREAMS, my romantic comedy about an assistant who becomes a reality show contestant, will be released next Summer by Hard Shell Word Factory.

This novel is a far cry from my still available mystery, TWO WRONGS, which deals with revenge and its consequences.

Too many years ago, when I was a young girl, my Dad would take me and my brothers to the library and we'd each check out a pile of books on what was called a Summer Loan. My favorite book, which I took out each year without fail, was Cinderella. Because of such wonderful experiences, it was natural for me to concoct a Cinderella story of my own. I had a great time writing it.

Not only does my heroine become exceedingly beautiful after her makeover, but she also gets into all kinds of embarrassing scrapes as she travels with the reality show from Hollywood, California to such exciting locales as Waikiki Beach, Hawaii - Venice, Italy - Las Vegas, Nevada & Paris, France.

I've added two handsome hunks for Cinderella to choose from, plus a sliver of suspense to spike up the action. Nothing too scary, since GIRL OF MY DREAMS is a comedy.

If you have some spare moments, hop over to my website at

You'll have your choice of Morgan Dark or Morgan Lite. Don't be afraid to try both!

See you there --Morgan Mandel

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

House For Sale? By Morgan Mandel

Please check out my new blog today at
about the similarities between fixing up and selling houses and doing the same with manuscripts.

Morgan Mandel

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Two blogs to check out - by Morgan Mandel

I've got two blogs for you to check out today. One's my Wednesday blog at which tells you something about the writer's life.

The other is my blog about the Academy of Country Music Awards Show, which I've posted at It'll be on the main page, until it gets bumped off by more current blogs, then onto my profile page,

Have a great day!
Morgan Mandel

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Hi folks,
Please check out my blog today at

It's all about the new book network I've set up, called Book Place,

Morgan Mandel

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My day at Acme - about animals

Hi folks,
Please check out my addition today in the group blog at
especially if you're an animal lover and writer.
Morgan Mandel

Sunday, April 01, 2007

May 2 - Romance Writers Roundtable - First Reminder

On Wednesday, May 2 from 7-8:30 p.m.
Rolling Meadows Library
3110 Martin Lane
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008

I, Morgan Mandel, and my fellow chapters members from the Chicago-North Romance Writers of America will appear at a Romance Writers Roundtable on Wednesday, May 2, 2007, from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Rolling Meadows Library. Authors who will be present:

Morgan Mandel - romantic suspense
Sara Daniel - contemporary romance
Jennifer Stevenson - literary fantasy/erotica
Susan Rae - romantic suspense
Beverly Long - time travel
Maureen Lang - inspirational

We'll be discussing what people look for in a romance novel, the different types of romance categories, and what comprises a romance novel.

We'll also have books available for purchase and signing after the program.

Come join us for a fun, relaxing evening.

Morgan Mandel

Read TWO WRONGS by Morgan Mandel for fast paced, poignant suspense.
Available at www.hardshell,, by order at bookstores.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Hi folks,
Today I'm blogging about a blog. I've joined a great band of authors in a team blog called
ACME AUTHORS LINK. Our members write in such diverse fields as mystery, humor, romantic suspense, and romantic comedy, even a how-to book on writing.

I've just posted my blog contribution today. It's about how much I hate & love writing.
I invite you to visit ACME AUTHORS LINK.

Monday - Norm Cowie
Tuesday - Todd (T.A) Stone & Terri Stone
Wednesday - Morgan Mandel
Thursday - Deb Larson
Friday - Robert W. (Rob) Walker
Saturday - Margot Justes
Sunday - In progress - rotating authors.

Morgan Mandel

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Panel This Saturday, March 17, 2007, 2-4 Palatine Library

All Are Invited!

SAT, MARCH 17, 2007, 2-4pm
Call 847-358-5881 ext 132 to register
or on-line at www.palatinelibrary .org

Panelists include:
Morgan Mandel, Gail Lukasik, Jennie Spallone, Sean Chercover, Gerard Murrin, Marsena Konkle, Stephen Lindley

Hope to see some of you there.
You'll still have time for corn beef and cabbage afterwards!
Morgan Mandel

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I'm happy to announce that my mystery, TWO WRONGS by Morgan Mandel, finished #6 in the 2006 Preditors And Editors Poll. I was very happy and surprised with the results. Now I have also have a cool graphic added to my website showing I ended up in the top 10.
To check out my newly revamped website, you can go to

The link to the P And E poll results is

Thanks to everyone who voted for my book. I appreciate your support.

All the best,
Morgan Mandel

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Posted by Picasa


Hi Folks, I'm finally through with the enormous project of uploading all of the videos I took from the Love Is Murder Mystery Conference.
You can access them by going to and doing a search for morganmandel (one word) Or you can go to my website at and visit the LoveIsMurder2007 page. Below all the photos is a list of the videos available with the individual links. Those featured in my videos are welcome to use the links on their websites.
The Love is Murder Mystery Montage features authors, publishers and an agent; Morgan Mandel, Barbara D'Amato, David J. Walker, John Helfers of Five Star, Joe DeMarco of Mysterical-E, Karen Syed of Echelon Press, Terry Burns of Hartline Literary Agency, Ken Bruen, Charlaine Harris, Nancy Pickard, Anne Perry, Silva Foti, Ophelia Julien, Hanley Kanar.
Individual videos available are: Tasha Alexander, Robert W. Walker, Morgan Mandel, Kelle Z. Riley, Margot Justes, S.D. Tooley, Luisa Buehler, Todd Stone, J.A. Konrath, Hanley Kanar, Sarah Wisseman & Molly MacRae, Steve Mandel, Dave Case, July Hyzy, Raymond Benson, Jim Doherty, Bob Goldsborough. Also included are two versions of my book trailer for TWO WRONGS by Morgan Mandel.
All the best,MORGAN MANDEL

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Love Is Murder Mystery Conference Feb 2-4

Hi folks,
If you haven't signed up yet, please do so and soon. The Love is Murder Mystery Conference, held at the Wyndham O'Hare Hotel in Rosemont, Illinois, on Friday, Feb. 2 through Sunday, Feb 4, will be really special. (Don't worry you'll have time to get home for the Super Bowl on Sunday)
The lineup includes not only master writing classes, panels, a banquet and award ceremony, but also such fun things as handwriting analysis by a polygraph expert and weapons demonstrations by the Chicago Swordplay Guild.
I, Morgan Mandel, will appear on a romantic suspense panel from 9-10 on Saturday Feb 3 with such great authors as Nancy Pickard, Linda Palmer, Laura Caldwell and Tasha Alexander.

Authors in attendance and on the program, to name a few, are Ken Bruen, Anne Perry, Barbara D'Amato, Robert W. Walker, David J. Walker, Raymond Benson, Max Allan Collins, T.A. Stone, Carolyn Haines, Charlaine Harris, Sarah Wisseman. There are many more, too many to even mention.
Don't delay. Go to today.
There's still time to get in!

Morgan Mandel
PS If you haven't seen by video book trailer yet, please click on the link in my previous post and take a look. Thanks for your interest.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Book Trailer for TWO WRONGS by Morgan Mandel

Hi everyone,
I've just completed the creation of my first book trailer, called Two Wrongs by Morgan Mandel.

You're invited to come and take a look. It can be found at YouTube at

or you can see it on my newly revamped website home page at

Hope you like it,
Morgan Mandel

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Kudos For the Great Program with the Borders Book Buyer

On Saturday, Oct 28 I attended a wonderful program sponsored by Chicago-North Romance Writers of America at the Oak Brook Library. The guest speaker was Susan Grimshaw, the romance buyer from Borders/Waldenbooks.

The program was a real eye-opener. I was amazed at how she bends over backwards to promote authors, even to the extent of helping them get better book covers. She was very enthusiastic and obviously enjoys her work. I had no idea how much goes on behind the scenes before a book is even published. It's wonderful to have someone at a chain store so willing to help authors.

Morgan Mandel

Saturday, October 21, 2006

New Reviews

Great News!
On Friday, I managed to nab two good reviews for Two Wrongs by Morgan Mandel. As every author out there knows, reviews are worth their weight in gold.

Just wanted to share a bit of them with you.

This morning Joyce Laabs, the reviewer for The Lakeland Times in Wisconsin published a review saying:

"''Two Wrongs' make a very 'right' book. "Two Wrongs" (Hard Shell Word Factory) by Morgan Mandel is a great read. It is a tale of murder and revenge, deftly woven by Mandel."

She also called it a "page-turner -- filled with suspense." If you'd like to see the rest of her review, it can be found at
http://lakelandtime php

I also managed to get one more review, which I was happy to receive, from D. Rittle who wrote:

"TWO WRONGS is an intriguing mix of emotion and action. The fast pace of the novel makes it a page turner, keeping the reader in suspense until the very end. Unexpected plot twists make this a must read. I couldn't put it down. Mandel does a great job of getting into the psyche of the two main characters. This is definitely an author to keep an eye on."

It feels good to have my book appreciated.
Morgan Mandel

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Juggling writing with life

Well folks,
It's not always easy to juggle writing with everyday life. Maybe some folks are better at it than others. All I know is to get one thing accomplished I often have to give up the other. This weekend I did yard work, then cleaned house because my surroundings were too out of order for me to bear them any more.

I'm happy with the results in that hemisphere, but unhappy I spent precious time away from my writing and marketing. Next time it will probably be the reverse. I'll work on my writing and let the house go instead. Then I'll feel happy again at what I accomplished, but sad I don't have well-ordered surroundings.

That's the game I have to play to do what I love doing. It's worth it.

Morgan Mandel

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hi everyone out there

To everyone out there in cyberspace,

I can't promise to blog every day, so that's why my blog is called All I have to say.

First I should introduce myself. I'm Morgan Mandel, a mystery and romance author, with one published mystery, TWO WRONGS, still available at, and by order at bookstores. I've also completed a romantic comedy called GIRL OF MY DREAMS, which I hope to find a home for soon, as well as a romantic suspense called DEADLY DREAMS.

Presently I'm working on a medical thriller, which I am doing my best to make my breakthrough novel.

I didn't get much chance to work on my new book this week. I'm still playing catch- up after being spoiled a week on vacation in Wisconsin, enjoying warm weather, lots of good meals and my weakness: penny and nickel slot machines.

I'm not exactly in the mood for returning to my day job, doing the laundry and paying the stack of bills sitting on the kitching table, but life goes on. I better get to some of it now.

All the best until next time,
Morgan Mandel